Using impala-shell and Hive
Learn how to use Impala to create tables, insert data, access data, and modify data in a Virtual Private Cluster.
This workflow describes how to create a table using Impala, how to insert sample data on Compute cluster 1, and how to access and modify the data using beeline from Compute cluster 2.
In a Virtual Private Cluster environment, Hue and the impala-shell can be used to setup databases, tables, insert and retrieve data using queries. This workflow focuses on running a few queries using impala-shell command line tool.
This tutorial uses a kerberized environment with TLS,
so you must kinit
user first. If you want to add a new user, see Enabling Kerberos Authentication for CDP
for documentation to create and add the user to the Kerberos principal and
the required Linux groups.
- Identify a host running Impala Daemon to launch impala-shell using this breadcrumb. In the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, go to .
- Note the hostname of a host that is running the
Daemon and open an ssh session to that host.
ssh <hostname>
- Kinit the user (because this is a Kerberized
kinit -kt <keytab path of authorized user> <authorized user>
- Start the Impala-shell:
In the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, go to the Impala service and click the Status tab.
The Impala Shell command displays in the upper-left. Copy that string and use it as the command to open Impala shell. For example:impala-shell -i -d default -k --ssl --ca_cert=/etc/cdep-ssl-conf/CA_STANDARD/truststore.pem
The command uses the following form:impala-shell -i <Impala Daemon host URL>:25003 -d default -k --ssl --ca_cert=<path to truststore>/truststore.pem
Query: use `default`
[] default>
- Verify that impala-shell is in the connected status.
- Create a database and a
[] default> create database test_data;
Query: create database test_data +----------------------------+ | summary | +----------------------------+ | Database has been created. | +----------------------------+
[] default> show databases; Query: show databases +------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | name | comment | +------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | _impala_builtins | System database for Impala builtin functions | | default | Default Hive database | | test_data | | +------------------+----------------------------------------------+
[] default> use test_data;
[] test_data> create table test_table (year int, winner string); +-------------------------+ | summary | +-------------------------+ | Table has been created. | +-------------------------+ Fetched 1 row(s) in 0.47s
- Verify that the table has been created on the Base cluster
[] test_data> show create table test_table;
Query: show create table test_table +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | result | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CREATE TABLE test_data.test_table ( | | year INT, | | winner STRING | | ) | | STORED AS TEXTFILE | | LOCATION 'hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/test_data.db/test_table' | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
- Insert test data into the
[] test_data> insert into table test_table values (2018, 'France'), (2014, 'Germany'), (2010, 'Spain'), (2006, 'Italy');
Query: insert into table test_table values (2018, 'France'), (2014, 'Germany'), (2010, 'Spain'), (2006, 'Italy') Query progress can be monitored at:
[] test_data> select * from test_table; Query progress can be monitored at: +------+---------+ | year | winner | +------+---------+ | 2018 | France | | 2014 | Germany | | 2010 | Spain | | 2006 | Italy | +------+---------+
- Log in using ssh to the host running HiveServer2 on the Compute cluster. You can find a host in the Cloudera Manager Admin Console by going to .
- Because this is a Kerberized environment,
the user:[root@vpc_host-nnwznq-1 ~]# kinit hive
Password for
- Launch beeline:
- TLS is not enabled:
[root@vpc_host-nnwznq-1 ~]# beeline -u 'jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default;principal=hive/'
- Auto-TLS is
[root@vpc_host-nnwznq-1 ~]# beeline -u 'jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=<CMCA_TRUSTORE_LOC>.jks;trustStorePassword=cloudera;principal=hive/'
- Regular TLS is
[root@vpc_host-nnwznq-1 ~]# beeline -u 'jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/etc/cdep-ssl-conf/CA_STANDARD/truststore.jks;trustStorePassword=cloudera;principal=hive/'
/CA_STANDARD/truststore.jks;trustStorePassword=cloudera;principal=hive/<HiveServer2 Host URL>@VPC.CLOUDERA.COM'
- TLS is not enabled:
- Access the tables created through Impala in the previous
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default> show databases;
INFO : Compiling command(queryId=hive_20190309192547_09146fd4-58b9-4f60-ad40-c9de3f98d470); Time taken: 0.987 seconds INFO : Starting task [Stage-0:DDL] in serial mode INFO : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_20190309192547_09146fd4-58b9-4f60-ad40-c9de3f98d470); Time taken: 0.041 seconds INFO : OK +----------------+ | database_name | +----------------+ | default | | test_data | +----------------+
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default> select * from test_table;
INFO : Compiling command(queryId=hive_20190309192621_701914ad-0417-4639-9209-335a63818b82): select * from test_table command(queryId=hive_20190309192621_701914ad-0417-4639-9209-335a63818b82); Time taken: 0.38 seconds +------------------+--------------------+ | test_table.year | test_table.winner | +------------------+--------------------+ | 2018 | France | | 2014 | Germany | | 2010 | Spain | | 2006 | Italy | +------------------+--------------------+
- Modify the
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default> insert into test_table values (2002, 'Brazil');
INFO : Compiling INFO : Executing command(queryId=hive_20190309192705_218b79aa-aa94-4102-95ab-a1d4bc7a0381): insert into test_table values (2002, 'Brazil') WARN : INFO : Query ID = hive_20190309192705_218b79aa-aa94-4102-95ab-a1d4bc7a0381 INFO : Total jobs = 3 INFO : Launching Job 1 out of 3 INFO : Starting task [Stage-1:MAPRED] in serial mode INFO : Submitting tokens for job: job_1552095496593_0001 INFO : The url to track the job: INFO : Starting Job = job_1552095496593_0001, Tracking URL = hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/test_data.db/test_table/.hive-staging_hive_2019-03-09_19-27-05_193_3963732700280111926-1/-ext-10000 from hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/test_data.db/test_table/.hive-staging_hive_2019-03-09_19-27-05_193_3963732700280111926-1/-ext-10002 INFO : Starting task [Stage-0:MOVE] in serial mode INFO : Loading data to table test_data.test_table from hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/test_data.db/test_table/.hive-staging_hive_2019-03-09_19-27-05_193_3963732700280111926-1/-ext-10000 INFO : MapReduce Jobs Launched: INFO : Stage-Stage-1: Map: 1 Cumulative CPU: 2.4 sec HDFS Read: 4113 HDFS Write: 88 HDFS EC Read: 0 SUCCESS INFO : Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 2 seconds 400 msec INFO : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_20190309192705_218b79aa-aa94-4102-95ab-a1d4bc7a0381); Time taken: 31.097 seconds INFO : OK 1 row affected (31.434 seconds)
- Verify and track the Yarn job submitted by the
Hive Execution Service using the Cloudera Manager Admin Console by going
to YARN Job:
Map Reduce job:
. - Verify that new data was added to the
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default> select * from test_table;
INFO : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_20190309192752_38d2b5a0-bf12-46b2-9a55-62e06beb9fb9); Time taken: 0.0 seconds +------------------+--------------------+ | test_table.year | test_table.winner | +------------------+--------------------+ | 2002 | Brazil | | 2018 | France | | 2014 | Germany | | 2010 | Spain | | 2006 | Italy | +------------------+--------------------+