Fixed issues in 7.1.9 SP1 CHF 5
Know more about the cumulative hotfix 5 for 7.1.9 SP1. This cumulative hotfix was released on 20 Feb, 2025.
Following are the list of fixes that were shipped for CDP Private Cloud Base version 7.1.9-1.cdh7.1.9.p1032.62597146.
- CDPD-76634: RMS server throws ConcurrentModificationException
- The original ConcurrentModificationException is likely thrown when the resource-mappings are modified in response to changes in the Hive metadata while they are being serialized for downloading to the NameNode (or secondary-namenode).
- CDPD-77877: Exclude guava from arrow-vector
- Fixed an issue where a transitive dependency would force custom applications to be built with a particular version of guava.
- CDPD-59896: Hue fails to clean up documents if Oozie is on the blocked list of services
- Earlier, when you ran the desktop_document_cleanup script to clean
old documents, and if you added Oozie to the blocked list of apps in the Hue Advanced
Configuration Snippet, the script failed. To run the script successfully, you had to
remove the Oozie service from the
property manually. This issue has been resolved. You no longer need to manually remove Oozie from the blocked list of apps. - CDPD-62397: Improved default editor selection in Hue configuration
- Previously, when you tried to log in and access Hue, the first available editor was used by default if multiple editors were configured. This issue has now been resolved, allowing you to specify a default editor in the Hue configuration file for all users.
- CDPD-75286: Spark History UI - StreamConstraintsException: String length exceeds the maximum length
- Fixed an issue with Jackson to allow unlimited json string length in Spark event logs.
- Zeppelin Livy interpreter paragraph outputs are being misplaced
- Fixed an issue where Zeppelin paragraph outputs were being misplaced. Users are now able to use
to run os.system commands without issues. - CDPD-78260: Partition value mismatch during INSERT event processing
- Impala failed to process some INSERT events due to partition value mismatches. Hive encodes partition strings in file paths using URL encoding, but partition strings in HMS events are not encoded. Impala mismatched partitions during HMS events processing by decoding them incorrectly, causing event processing failures.
- CDPD-77922: Prometheus metric name incompatibility with JDK11 and JDK17
- Impala metrics derived from JVM MemoryPoolMXBean names contain apostrophe characters in JDK11 and JDK17. Since Prometheus does not support apostrophes in metric names, these metrics cannot be consumed by Prometheus.
- CDPD-73427: Upgrade Spring Framework to resolve vulnerabilities
- CVE-2024-38808: Vulnerable to resource exhaustion through user-supplied SpEL expressions.
- CDPD-78221: Hive query execution failures
- HiveServer2 experienced intermittent query failures during DAG submission. The failures occurred due to a null value for the dagId variable, which resulted during DAG submission. This caused disrupted connectivity and failed Hive operations.
- CDPD-75665: Importing a table generates a DDL with an incorrect location
- When creating a table using the IMPORT command, an external imported table can have this partitions located under the managed warehouse directory, which violates the metastore.warehouse.external.dir and metastore.warehouse.dir that intend to host different type of tables.
- CDPD-78077: Kafka Connect connectors might fail during deployment or while being moved to another node
- Kafka Connect connectors no longer fail due to incompletely unpacked dependencies while being deployed or moved to another node.
- CDPD-76135: Schema check database connection throws PSQLException
- The schema check now completes successfully during Oozie startup for secure database connections or when custom connection properties are used, preventing warnings from appearing in the logs.
- CDPD-76604: CDEP fails to install CDP Private Cloud Base as Ozone does not start up. The OZONE-1 has failed in startup so CDEP hasn't executed next set of commands. error is displayed.
- This issue is resolved by fixing the race condition in creation and deletion of rocksdbjni native library.
- CDPD-77188: Atlas can consume Iceberg CREATE TABLE statements from Cloudera Data Warehouse
- Incompatibilities between Cloudera Data Warehouse version 2024.0.18.2-4 with Cloudera Data Hub version 7.2.17 and Apache Atlas in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.9 CHF5 are resolved.
- COMPX-18909: NodeManager can be marked unhealthy if an application is killed
- A logic was introduced to mark the NodeManager unhealthy if
the container-executor encountered a unrecoverable/configuration error, that is, when the
container-executor script was missing. If the application was killed just before when one
of the containers tried to access the localizer syslog file an IOException occured due to
the deleted app log directory, and then the NodeManager was marked unhealthy incorrectly.
This issue is now resolved and the error checking is more specific and the false positive NodeManager markings are now removed.
Apache Jira: YARN-11753
- CDPD-49702: NodeManager must be shut down when the program /var/lib/yarn-ce/bin/container-executor cannot be run
- Previoulsy, a job failed when NodeManager encountered the No such file or directory error when running the
/var/lib/yarn-ce/bin/container-executor program. This issue is now
resolved and NodeManager is marked as unhealthy and shut down when it cannot run the
Apache Jira: YARN-11709