Known issues in Cloud Connectors
Learn about the known issues in Cloud Connectors, the impact or changes to the functionality, and the workaround.
- OPSAPS-72509, CDPD-32440: Hive metadata transfer to GCS fails with ClassNotFoundException
Hive replication policies from an on-premises cluster to cloud fails during the “Transfer Metadata Files” step if the following conditions are true:
- the target is a GCS Data Lake
- the source Cloudera Manager version is 7.11.3 CHF7, 7.11.3 CHF8, 7.11.3 CHF9, 7.11.3 CHF9.1, 7.11.3 CHF10, or 7.11.3 CHF11
property is already defined in the configuration and cannot be unset to disable the delegation tokens in the cloud connector service.