Known Issues in Apache Hive
Learn about the known issues in Hive, the impact or changes to the functionality, and the workaround.
- CDPD-60862: Rolling restart fails during ZDU when DDL operations are in progress
During a Zero Downtime Upgrade (ZDU), the rolling restart of services that support Data Definition Language (DDL) statements might fail if DDL operations are in progress during the upgrade. As a result, ensure that you do not run DDL statements during ZDU.
The following services support DDL statements:- Impala
- Hive – using HiveQL
- Spark – using SparkSQL
- HBase
- Phoenix
- Kafka
Data Manipulation Lanaguage (DML) statements are not impacted and can be used during ZDU. Following the successful upgrade, you can resume running DDL statements.
- CDPD-67002: Merge/Update jobs fail with vertex errors after upgrading to 7.1.9
- In CDP 7.1.9, improvements for update and delete operations were
introduced to write data directly to table locations instead of using a staging directory.
However, after upgrading to CDP 7.1.9, merge, update, and delete queries may occasionally
fail with the
java.lang.RuntimeException: Hive Runtime Error while closing operators: Index 17 out of bounds for length 17 at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez.TezProcessor.initializeAndRunProcessor( at at ..... Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Hive Runtime Error while closing operators: Index 17 out of bounds for length 17 at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez.ReduceRecordProcessor.close( ..... Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 17 out of bounds for length 17 at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.FileSinkOperator$FSPaths.closeWriters( at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.FileSinkOperator.closeOp( at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Operator.close( at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Operator.close( at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez.ReduceRecordProcessor.close(
- CDPD-60770: Beeline Authentication Issue with Special Characters in Passwords
- When LDAP is enabled, users cannot authenticate with Beeline if
the password contains a special character. For example, the following string
beeline -u jdbc:hive2://<host>:<port>/<dbName>;user=user@XXX;password='R3G#xpXyoy1MOJb1'
- CDPD-43769: Inconsistent behavior with CHAR comparisons and string literals
- In Hive, 'char' data to 'string' data comparison is considered as
equal, but 'char' data to 'varchar' data comparison is considered as not equal if the data
has trailing spaces. For
create table test(colchar char(10), colvarchar varchar(20), colstring string); insert into test values ('a ', 'a ', 'a '); select count(*) from test where colchar = colstring; Output returns 1 because char and string data is considered as equal select count(*) from test where colchar = colvarchar; Output returns 0 because char and varchar data is considered as not equal
- CDPD-44060: Issue rebuilding Hive Materialized Views
- The
command to rebuild Materialized View fails with the following error:
This can occur if the Materialized View Rebuild command is abruptly killed or if more than one Materialized View Rebuild command is issued for the same Materialized View. As a result, LOCK entry in the backend metastore DB table 'materialization_rebuild_locks' is not deleted and when the command is issued again, it will fail for that Materialized View.Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.SemanticException: Another process is rebuilding the materialized view activecore.top_apps_custom (state=42000,code=40000)
- CDPD-42726: Wrong results for agg queries from stats after running multi-insert query on managed table
- Multiple inserts at the same time into the same partition results
in invalid stats. For
create table source(p int, key int, value string); insert into source(p, key, value) values (101,42,'string42'); create table stats_part(key int,value string) partitioned by (p int); from source insert into stats_part select key, value, p insert into stats_part select key, value, p; select count(*) from stats_part; -- In this scenario, StatsOptimizer helps serving this query because the result should be rowNum of the partition p=101. -- The result is 1, however, the result should be 2.
- CDPD-57574: Query execution fails due to NullPointerException in DagUtils.setupQuickStart
- Hive queries may fail at runtime with a NullPointerException while
executing the Tez graph at
method. A part of the stack trace from the error is shown below:
The error usually occurs from an invalid plan that has cycles created by semi-join or map-join edges.ERROR : Failed to execute tez graph. java.lang.NullPointerException: null at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.tez.DagUtils.setupQuickStart(
- CDPD-43107: SemanticException for INSERT INTO statement when Hive Cost-based Optimizer (CBO) is disabled
- If you are running the INSERT INTO query and
is set to "false", the query fails with a SemanticException. For example,set hive.cbo.enable=false; CREATE TABLE mytable ( id INT, str STRING ); INSERT INTO mytable (id, str) VALUES (1, 'a');
Output: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.SemanticException: 0:0 Expected 2 columns for insclause-0/default@mytable; select produces 1 columns. Error encountered near token ''a''
This issue occurs only when columns are specified for the target table in the query.
INSERT INTO mytable values (1, 'a');
does not result in an exception. - CDPD-43957: HiveServer shuts down during replication due to high resource usage
- During Hive replication (both bootstrap and incremental),
you may notice that the HiveServer (HS2) shuts down periodically with the following
java.sql.SQLException: org.apache.hive.jdbc.ZooKeeperHiveClientException: Unable to read HiveServer2 configs from ZooKeeper at org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveConnection.<init>( at org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver.connect( at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( at com.cloudera.enterprise.hive3qt.Hive3QueryTool$HiveOperation.execute( at com.cloudera.enterprise.hive3qt.Hive3QueryTool.main( Caused by: org.apache.hive.jdbc.ZooKeeperHiveClientException: Unable to read HiveServer2 configs from ZooKeeper at org.apache.hive.jdbc.ZooKeeperHiveClientHelper.configureConnParams( at org.apache.hive.jdbc.Utils.configureConnParamsFromZooKeeper( at org.apache.hive.jdbc.Utils.parseURL( at org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveConnection.<init>( ... 5 more Caused by: org.apache.hive.jdbc.ZooKeeperHiveClientException: Tried all existing HiveServer2 uris from ZooKeeper. at org.apache.hive.jdbc.ZooKeeperHiveClientHelper.getServerHosts( at org.apache.hive.jdbc.ZooKeeperHiveClientHelper.configureConnParams( ... 8 mor
This issue occurs when you replicate at scale with an unbalanced cluster setup that has all the roles running on the Cloudera Manager host. As a result, Cloudera Manager ends up in a bottleneck situation because HS2 crashes, preventing further replication. The logs (
) indicate that there were a large number of Java processes running on the host, which exhausted the host's memory and triggered an Out Of Memory Killer process to stop HS2.You can restart HS2 and reinitiate replication. However, the replication process may take a longer time to complete.
- CDPD-40730: Parquet change can cause incompatibility
- Parquet files written by the parquet-mr library in CDP 7.1.9,
where the schema contains a timestamp with no UTC conversion will not be compatible with
older versions of Parquet readers. The effect is that the older versions will still
consider these timestamps as they would require UTC conversions and will thus end up with
a wrong result. You can encounter this problem only when you write Parquet-based tables
using Hive, and tables have the non-default configuration
. - CDPD-41274: HWC + Oozie issue: Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri
- Currently only Spark cluster mode is supported in the Oozie Spark Action with Hive Warehouse Connector (HWC).
- CDPD-26556 After an upgrade, querying a CTAS table under certain conditions might throw an exception
- If you upgrade your Hive cluster from CDH 6 to CDP 7, create a
CTAS table in the CDP cluster from a table you upgraded from CDH, you might see the
following exception when you query the new table:
class cannot be cast to class org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.StandardUnionObjectInspector$StandardUnion
This issue involves CDH-based tables having columns of complex types ARRAY, MAP, and STRUCT.
- CDPD-23506: OutOfMemoryError in LLAP
- Long running spark-shell applications can leave sessions in interactive Hiveserver2 until the Spark application finishes (user exists from spark-shell), causing memory pressure in case of a high number of queries in the same shell (1000+).
- CDPD-23041: DROP TABLE on a table having an index does not work
- If you migrate a Hive table to CDP having an index, DROP TABLE
does not drop the table. Hive no longer supports indexes (HIVE-18448). A foreign key constraint on the indexed table prevents dropping the
table. Attempting to drop such a table results in the following error:
java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails ("hive"."IDXS", CONSTRAINT "IDXS_FK1" FOREIGN KEY ("ORIG_TBL_ID") REFERENCES "TBLS ("TBL_ID"))
- CDPD-17766: Queries fail when using spark.sql.hive.hiveserver2.jdbc.url.principal in the JDBC URL to invoke Hive.
- Do not specify
in the JDBC URL to invoke Hive remotely.
- CDPD-13636: Hive job fails with OutOfMemory exception in the Azure DE cluster
- Set the parameter hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition.threshold=0. Add this parameter in Cloudera Manager (Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml)
- CDPD-10848: HiveServer Web UI displays incorrect data
- If you enabled auto-TLS for TLS encryption, the HiveServer2 Web UI does not display the correct data in the following tables: Active Sessions, Open Queries, Last Max n Closed Queries
Technical Service Bulletins
- TSB 2021-501: JOIN queries return wrong result for join keys with large size in Hive
- JOIN queries return wrong results when performing joins on large size keys (larger than 255 bytes). This happens when the fast hash table join algorithm is enabled, which is enabled by default.
- Knowledge article
- For the latest update on this issue, see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB 2021-501: JOIN queries return wrong result for join keys with large size in Hive
- TSB 2023-702: Potential wrong result for queries with date partition filter for clusters in GMT+ timezone
- In Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) Private Cloud Base 7.1.7 Service
Pack (SP) 2 Cumulative Hotfix (CHF) 11, a fix was introduced in Hive Metastore (HMS) to
address a parsing issue with date strings. This fix caused a regression in Hive clusters
where the HMS time zone is set ahead of GMT for the following combination of
tables and queries: a table that is partitioned on a
column and aSELECT
query on that table containing aWHERE
clause filter on the sameDATE
column. For such queries, during the partition pruning phase, the date string would be converted to a date without timezone and compared with the partition value retrieved by HMS. This causes wrong results (0 rows) because the date values do not match.The regression was identified in CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.7 SP2 CHF14, but it exists in CHF11 through CHF16 as well as on certain versions of 7.1.8 and 7.1.9.
This issue does not affect clusters where the time zones are behind GMT. For example, if the time zone of the cluster is set USA/Los Angeles, which is 8 hours behind GMT, a date ‘2023-10-02’ will remain as ‘2023-10-02’ after converting to GMT (adding 8 hours). On the other hand, using Asia/Hong Kong time as an example, which is 8 hours ahead of GMT, the same date would become ‘2023-10-01’ after converting to GMT (subtracting 8 hours), which leads to the wrong results.
- Upstream JIRA
- HIVE-27760
- Knowledge article
- For the latest update on this issue, see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB 2023-702: Potential wrong result for queries with date partition filter for clusters in GMT+ timezone