Cloudera Runtime Hardware requirements for Cloudera Runtime components. AtlasYou must verify the supported hardware components for Atlas. HDFS heap sizingYou can provision an HDFS cluster for optimal performance based on the desired storage capacity.HBaseKnow the hardware resource requirements for HBase server in Cloudera Base on premises.HiveUnderstand the Java Heap memory, CPU, and storage requirements needed to run HiveServer (HS2) and Hive Metastore (HMS).HueReview the memory, CPU, and storage requirements needed for running a Hue server in Cloudera Base on premises. ImpalaKafkaRanger KMSKuduUnderstand the resource requirements for Kudu before making the resource configuration changes in Cloudera Manager.OozieUnderstand the resource requirements for Oozie before making the resource configuration changes in Cloudera Manager.Ozone hardware recommendationsThis guide helps you choose hardware for Ozone based on your data storage needs. Following these recommendations will ensure that you get optimum performance from your Ozone cluster. PhoenixKnow the hardware resource requirements for Phoenix Query Server (PQS) in Cloudera Base on premises.RangerSolrSparkLivyUnderstand the resource requirements for Livy before making the resource configuration changes in Cloudera Manager.ZeppelinUnderstand the resource requirements for Zeppelin before making the resource configuration changes in Cloudera Manager.YARNZooKeeperUnderstand the resource requirements for ZooKeeper before making the resource configuration changes in Cloudera Manager.Parent topic: Hardware Requirements