Amazon S3 Sink

Learn more about the Amazon S3 Sink connector

The Amazon S3 Sink connector allows users to stream Kafka data into S3 buckets.

Configuration example

A simple configuration example for the Amazon S3 Sink connector.

The following is a simple configuration example for the Amazon S3 Sink connector. Short descriptions of the properties set in this example are also provided. For a full properties reference, see the Amazon S3 Sink properties reference.

    "aws.s3.bucket": "bring-me-the-bucket",
    "aws.s3.service_endpoint": "http://myendpoint:9090/",
    "aws.access_key_id": "EXAMPLEID",
    "aws.secret_access_key": “EXAMPLEKEY",
    "connector.class": "com.cloudera.dim.kafka.connect.s3.S3SinkConnector",
    "tasks.max": 1,
    "key.converter": "",
    "value.converter": "com.cloudera.dim.kafka.connect.converts.AvroConverter",
    "value.converter.passthrough.enabled": true,
    "value.converter.schema.registry.url": "http://schema-registry:9090/api/v1",
    "topics": "avro_topic",
    "": "com.cloudera.dim.kafka.connect.s3.S3PartitionStorage",
    "output.writer": "com.cloudera.dim.kafka.connect.partition.writers.avro.AvroPartitionWriter",
    "output.avro.passthrough.enabled": true
Target S3 bucket name.
Target S3 host and port.

The AWS secret key ID used for authentication.


The AWS secret access key used for authentication.

Class name of the Amazon S3 Sink connector.
Maximum number of tasks.
The converter capable of understanding the data format of the key of each record on this topic.
The converter capable of understanding the data format of the value of each record on this topic.
This property controls whether or not data is converted into the Kafka Connect intermediate data format before writing into an output file. Because in this example the input and output format is the same, the property is set to true, that is, data is not converted.
The URL to Schema Registry. This is a mandatory property if the topic has records encoded in Avro format.
List of topics to consume data from.
The S3 storage implementation class.
Determines the output file format. Because in this example the output format is Avro, AvroPartitionWriter is used.
This property has to match the configuration of the value.converter.passthrough.enabled property because both the input and output formats are Avro.

Stateless NiFi Sink properties reference

Review the following reference for a comprehensive list of the connector properties that are specific to the Stateless NiFi Sink connector.

In addition to the properties listed here, Stateless NiFi connectors also accept the properties of the Kafka Connect framework. For a comprehensive list of these properties, see the Apache Kafka documentation.


The prefix to add to the key of each header that matches the regular expression specified in For example, if the header key is MyHeader, its value is MyValue, is set to My.*, and this property is set to kafka, the flowfile that is created for the Kafka message will have an attribute named kafka.MyHeader with a value of MyValue.
Default Value
Accepted Values


Specifies the maximum amount of time to wait for the dataflow to complete. If the dataflow does not complete before this timeout, the thread is interrupted and the dataflow is considered as a failure. The session is rolled back and the connector retriggers the flow. Defaults to 60 seconds if not specified.
Default Value
60 seconds
Accepted Values

Specifies the directory that stores downloaded extensions. Extensions are the NAR (NiFi Archive) files containing the processors and controller services a flow might use. Since Stateless NiFi is only the NiFi engine, it does not contain any of the processors and controller services you might use in your flow. When deploying the connector with the custom flow, the system needs to download the specific extensions that your flow uses from Nexus (unless they are already present in this directory). These extensions are stored in this directory. Because the default directory might not be writable, and to aid in upgrade scenarios, Cloudera recommends that you always specify an extensions directory.
Default Value
Accepted Values


A comma separated list of output ports that are considered as failure conditions. If any flowfile is routed to an output port specified in this property, the dataflow is considered a failure and the session is rolled back. After a set amount of time, the dataflow reattempts to process the Kafka record. Any data transferred to an output port that is not in the list of failure ports is discarded.

Because of how Stateless NiFi Sink connectors behave, even if a single flowfile ends up in an output port that is marked as failure, the entire sessions is rolled back with all messages in the batch. Furthermore, if a flowfile ends up in a failure port in each subsequent iteration, the result is an endless loop. With some sink connectors (for example. MQTT Sink) this is the desired behavior. For more information regarding this behavior, see Dataflow execution and scheduling.

Default Value
Accepted Values


Specifies the dataflow to run. When using Streams Messaging Manager to deploy a connector, the value you set in this property must be a JSON object. URLs, file paths, or escaped JSON strings are not supported when using Streams Messaging Manager. Alternatively, if using the Kafka Connect REST API to deploy a connector, this can be a file containing the dataflow, a URL that points to a dataflow, or a string containing the entire dataflow as an escaped JSON. Cloudera however, does not recommend using the Kafka Connect REST API to interact with this connector or Kafka Connect.
Default Value
Accepted Values

A Java regular expression that is evaluated against all Kafka record headers. Headers are added to the flowfile as an attribute if the header key matches the regular expression. The header key is used as the attribute name. The header value is used as the attribute value. Additionally, the name of the attribute can also contain an optional prefix which is defined by the attribute.prefix property.
Default Value
Accepted Values


The name of the input port in the NiFi dataflow that Kafka records are sent to. If the dataflow contains exactly one input port, this property is optional and can be omitted. However, if the dataflow contains multiple input ports, this property must be specified.
Default Value
Accepted Values


Specifies the krb5.conf file to use if the dataflow interacts with any services that are secured using Kerberos. Defaults to /etc/krb5.conf if not specified.
Default Value
Accepted Values


The name of the connector. On the Streams Messaging Manager UI, the connector names are specified using the Enter Name field. The name that you enter in the Enter Name field is automatically set as the value of the name property when the connector is deployed. Because of this, the name property is omitted from the configuration template provided in Streams Messaging Manager. If you manually add the name property to the configuration in Streams Messaging Manager, ensure that the value you set matches the connector name specified in the Enter Name field. Otherwise, the connector fails to deploy.
Default Value
Accepted Values


Specifies the Base URL of the Nexus instance to source extensions from. If configuring a Nexus instance that has multiple repositories, include the name of the repository in the URL. For example, If the property is not specified, the necessary extensions (the ones used by the flow) must be provided in the extensions directory before deploying the connector.
Default Value
Accepted Values

parameter.[***FLOW PARAMETER NAME***]

Specifies a parameter to use in the dataflow. For example, assume that you have the following entry in your connector configuration "parameter.Directory": "/mydir". In a case like this, any parameter context in the dataflow that has a parameter named Directory gets the specified value (/mydir). If the dataflow has child process groups, and those child process groups have their own parameter contexts, the value is used for all parameter contexts that contain a parameter named Directory. Parameters can also be applied to specific parameter contexts only. This can be done by prefixing the parameter name (Directory) with the name of the parameter context followed by a colon. For example, parameter.My Context:Directory only applies the specified value for the Directory parameter in the Parameter Context named My Context.
Default Value
Accepted Values

Specifies a directory on the Connect server that NiFi should use for unpacking extensions that it needs to perform the dataflow. The contents of are unpacked here. Defaults to /tmp/nifi-stateless-working if not specified.
Default Value
Accepted Values

Amazon S3 Sink properties reference

Amazon S3 Sink connector properties reference.

The following table collects connector properties that are specific for the Amazon S3 Sink Connector. For properties common to all sink connectors, see the upstream Apache Kafka documentation.

Property Name Description Type Default Value Accepted Values Recommended Value
aws.s3.bucket The target S3 bucket name. String none Any valid S3 bucket name.
aws.s3.service_endpoint The target S3 host and port. String none Any valid S3 endpoint.
aws.access_key_id The AWS secret key ID to authenticate. String none Any valid secret key issued by AWS.
aws.secret_access_key The AWS secret access key to authenticate. String none Any valid access key issued by AWS.
value.converter Value conversion class. String none com.cloudera.dim.kafka.connect.converts.AvroConverter
value.converter.passthrough.enabled Configures whether the AvroConverter translates an Avro record into Kafka Connect Data or transparently passes the Avro encoded bytes as payload. Boolean true true, false True if input and output are both Avro.
value.converter.schema.registry.url The URL to the Schema Registry server. String none The S3 storage implementation class. String none com.cloudera.dim.kafka.connect.s3.S3PartitionStorage
output.writer The output file writer which determines the type of file to be written. The value of this property should be the FQCN of a class that implements the PartitionWriter interface. String none
  • com.cloudera.dim.kafka.connect.partition.writers.avro.AvroPartitionWriter
  • com.cloudera.dim.kafka.connect.partition.writers.json.JsonPartitionWriter
  • com.cloudera.dim.kafka.connect.hdfs.parquet.ParquetPartitionWriter
  • com.cloudera.dim.kafka.connect.partition.writers.txt.TxtPartitionWriter

Configures Whether the output writer expects an Avro encoded Kafka Connect data record. Must match the configuration ofvalue.converter.passthrough.enabled.

Boolean none true, false True if input and output are both Avro.