Troubleshooting CDSW migration to Cloudera AI

If your migration from Cloudera Data Science Workbench (CDSW) to Cloudera AI fails, you can restart migration. Also, learn how to find logs for debugging migration and other issues.

Failed Migration

Problem: In the event your migration fails, the Migration failed indicator appears.

Solution: In workbenches, click Options , and select Retry CDSW Migration:

CDSW to Cloudera AI migration frozen with large Projects

Problem: If the Project being migrated from CDSW to Cloudera AI is large, it can get stuck, frozen, while waiting for all pieces of Project information to get migrated. After a while, the logs display that the migration was sucessful, however the UI is still unavailable:

Figure 1. Successful migration with UI still unavailable

Solution: Instruct Cloudera manually that the migration has finished:

  1. Find the Customer Resource Number (CRN) of the new workbench from the Control Plane.
  2. Open a shell into the cdp-embedded-db-0 pod which is in the Cloudera Data Platform namespace. This can be done from the Kubernetes dashboard or with kubectl.
  3. Add a new entry into the database that tells the system that the migration is completed:
    \c db-mlx
    INSERT INTO event(instance_id, resource_type, status, operation, user_id) SELECT id, 'mlx_instance', 'started', 'validateMigration', creatorcrn from mlx_instance where mlx_instance.crn=‘##<crn>###';

Following these steps, the Cloudera UI is updated, and displays the information that the migration must be validated. You can continue the migration process.

Viewing logs

Problem: In the event your migration fails, and the retry also fails, you need to get information about the failure.

Solution: In workbenches, click Options , and select View Event Logs.

Problem when migrating parcels to a new Cloudera AI Workbench

If parcels are located in a custom directory specified by parcel_repo_home in Cloudera Manager, instead of the default location (/opt/cloudera/parcels), then the CDSW to Cloudera AI migration script will not find them.

  1. Check that the Cloudera Embedded Container Service parcels are located at /opt/cloudera/parcels and not at a custom location.
  2. If not, then copy the existing parcels to the default location:
    cp -rp <custom-ecs-parcel-path>/ECS* /opt/cloudera/parcels/