Step 3: Backing Up the Cluster
Steps to back up your cluster before the upgrade.
Loading Filters ... 5.16 5.15 5.14 5.13 7.6.7 7.4.4 5.16 5.15 5.14 5.13 7.1.7
This topic describes how to back up a cluster managed by Cloudera Manager prior to upgrading the cluster. These procedures do not back up the data stored in the cluster. Cloudera recommends that you maintain regular backups of your data using the Backup and Disaster Recovery features of Cloudera Manager.
Minimum Required Role: Cluster Administrator (also provided by Full Administrator)
- MapReduce
- Spark
- Impala
Complete the following backup steps before upgrading your cluster:
Back Up Databases
Gather the following information:
- Type of database (PostgreSQL, Embedded PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, or Oracle)
- Hostnames of the databases
- Database names
- Port number used by the databases
- Credentials for the databases
- Sqoop, Oozie, and Hue – Go to .
- Hive Metastore – Go to the Hive service, select Configuration, and select the Hive Metastore Database category.
- Sentry – Go to the Sentry service, select Configuration, and select the Sentry Server Database category.
- Ranger – Go to the Ranger service, select Configuration, and search on "database."
- Queue Manager – Go to the Queue Manager service, select the Configuration tab. In the List of Filters on the left side, click the Category drop-down and select Database.
- Schema Registry and Streams Messaging Manager – Select the service, go to Configuration, and select the Database category.
To back up the databases
- If not already stopped, stop the service.
- On the
to the right of the service name and select Stop.
tab, click - Click Stop in the next screen to confirm. When you see a Finished status, the service has stopped.
- On the
- Back up the database. Substitute the database name, hostname,
port, user name, and backup directory path and run the following
mysqldump --databases database_name --host=database_hostname --port=database_port -u database_username -p > backup_directory_path/database_name-backup-`date +%F`-CDH.sql
- Oracle
- Work with your database administrator to ensure databases are properly backed up.
For additional information about backing up databases, see these vendor-specific links:
- MariaDB 10.2:
- MySQL 5.7:
- PostgreSQL10:
- Oracle 12c:
- Start the service.
- On the
to the right of the service name and select Start.
tab, click - Click Start in the next screen to confirm. When you see a Finished status, the service has started.
- On the
Back Up ZooKeeper
- On all ZooKeeper hosts, back up the ZooKeeper data directory specified with the
Data Directory
property and ZooKeeper transaction log directory specified with theTransaction Log Directory
property in the ZooKeeper configuration. The default location for both these directories is/var/lib/zookeeper
. For example:cp -rp /var/lib/zookeeper/ /var/lib/zookeeper-backup-`date +%F`CM-CDH
- To identify the ZooKeeper hosts, open the Cloudera Manager Admin console and go to the ZooKeeper service and click the Instances tab.
Record the permissions of the files and directories; you will need these to roll back ZooKeeper.
Back Up Solr
Back up your Solr metadata using the following procedure. This procedure allows you to roll back to the pre-upgrade state if any problems occur during the upgrade process.
For the detailed procedure see Back up Solr configuration metadata using Cloudera Manager.
Back up Solr
You are recommended to take a backup of Solr data and indexes before an upgrade, so that data can be restored during a rollback.
When backing up the Infra Solr service, make sure that you backup all of the following collections:
vertex_index (Atlas)
edge_index (Atlas)
fulltext_index (Atlas)
ranger_audits (Ranger)
Store them in a location that is accessible to the solr
user during a rollback. Cloudera recommends you
target your backups to a shared file system, even if the Solr service uses local file
Before you start: Solr gateway has to be installed on all edge/client nodes.
- Create a backup of Solr collections.
For information on backing up Solr collections, see Backing up a collection from HDFS (default location for Workload Solr) or Backing up a collection from local file system (default location for Infra Solr), depending on the type of storage used.
Back Up HDFS
Follow this procedure to back up an HDFS deployment.
- If high availability is enabled for HDFS, run the following command
on all hosts running the JournalNode
cp -rp /dfs/jn /dfs/jn-CM-CDH
- On all NameNode hosts, back up the NameNode runtime directory. Run
the following
mkdir -p /etc/hadoop/conf.rollback.namenode
cd /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/ && cd `ls -t1 | grep -e "-NAMENODE\$" | head -1`
cp -rp * /etc/hadoop/conf.rollback.namenode/
rm -f /etc/hadoop/conf.rollback.namenode/
cp -rp /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.HDFS_service_name/ /etc/hadoop/conf.rollback.namenode/
These commands create a temporary rollback directory. If a rollback is required later, the rollback procedure requires you to modify files in this directory.
- Back up the runtime directory for all DataNodes. Run the following
commands on all
mkdir -p /etc/hadoop/conf.rollback.datanode/
cd /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/ && cd `ls -t1 | grep -e "-DATANODE\$" | head -1`
cp -rp * /etc/hadoop/conf.rollback.datanode/
rm -f /etc/hadoop/conf.rollback.datanode/
cp -rp /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.HDFS_service_name/ /etc/hadoop/conf.rollback.datanode/
- If high availability is not enabled for HDFS, backup the
runtime directory of the Secondary NameNode. Run the following
commands on all Secondary NameNode
mkdir -p /etc/hadoop/conf.rollback.secondarynamenode/
cd /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/ && cd `ls -t1 | grep -e "-SECONDARYNAMENODE\$" | head -1`
cp -rp * /etc/hadoop/conf.rollback.secondarynamenode/
rm -f /etc/hadoop/conf.rollback.secondarynamenode/
cp -rp /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.HDFS_service_name/ /etc/hadoop/conf.rollback.secondarynamenode/
Back Up Key Trustee Server and Clients
For the detailed procedure, see Backing Up Key Trustee Server and Clients.
When running the HSM KMS in high availability mode, if either of the two nodes fails, a role instance can be assigned to another node and federated into the service by the single remaining active node. In other words, you can bring a node that is part of the cluster, but that is not running HSM KMS role instances, into the service by making it an HSM KMS role instance–more specifically, an HSM KMS proxy role instance and an HSM KMS metastore role instance. So each node acts as an online ("hot" backup) backup of the other. In many cases, this will be sufficient. However, if a manual ("cold" backup) backup of the files necessary to restore the service from scratch is desirable, you can create that as well.
To create a backup, copy the /var/lib/hsmkp
directories on one or more of the
nodes running HSM KMS role instances.
To restore from a backup: bring up a completely new instance of the HSM
KMS service, and copy the /var/lib/hsmkp
directories from the backup onto
the file system of the restored nodes before starting HSM KMS for the
first time.
Back Up Navigator Encrypt
- To manually back up the Navigator Encrypt configuration directory
):$ zip -r --encrypt /etc/navencrypt
option prompts you to create a password used to encrypt the zip file. This password is also required to decrypt the file. Ensure that you protect the password by storing it in a secure location. - Move the backup file (
) to a secure location.
Back Up HBase
Because the rollback procedure also rolls back HDFS, the data in HBase is also rolled back. In addition, HBase metadata stored in ZooKeeper is recovered as part of the ZooKeeper rollback procedure.
If your cluster is configured to use HBase replication, Cloudera recommends that you document all replication peers. If necessary (for example, because the HBase znode has been deleted), you can roll back HBase as part of the HDFS rollback without the ZooKeeper metadata. This metadata can be reconstructed in a fresh ZooKeeper installation, with the exception of the replication peers, which you must add back. For information on enabling HBase replication, listing peers, and adding a peer, see HBase Replication in the CDH 5 documentation.
Back Up YARN Queue Manager
Learn how to back up Yarn Queue Manager for versions 7.1.8 and below. These steps are necessary if you want to upgrade to 7.1.9 from version 7.1.8 and below as there is no ability to roll back changes if a 7.1.9 upgrade is unsuccessful.
- In Cloudera Manager, navigate to . Backup the configuration service database.
- Locate the host that has the Yarn Queue Manager Store running.
- Find the location of the config-service database file by navigating to Yarn Queue Manager Store. , and click the
- Locate the Location for config-service DB field. If the field
is empty, then use the default location:
Database Location -> /var/lib/hadoop-yarn/
- Open a SSH terminal and enter the following command:
ssh [***your_username***]@[***queue_manager_host_ip_address***]
- Navigate to the directory where the configuration database file is stored:
{Database Location}
- Find two database files with these names:
Notice that
is in the same location. - Secure copy the
files to the machines where the backups are to be stored. For example:scp -i ~/.ssh/{ssh_key} root@{hostName}:{Your_Backup_Folder}/
sha1sum to verify that the files in the current host and the location of where the backup is stored have the same hash.
Back up Atlas
When you plan to back up your Atlas data, it is a two-step process where you must first back up Solr and HBase data before proceeding further.
Back up Solr
Follow the instructions to back up your data in Solr. You must run these commands on single solr server.
- curl -ivk ""
- curl -ivk ""
- curl -ivk ""
Back up HBase
Follow the instructions to back up your data in HBase:
- Create HBase table snapshot:
- hbase shell
hbase> snapshot 'atlas_janus', 'atlas_janus_snapshot_<insert-date-here>'
hbase> snapshot 'ATLAS_ENTITY_AUDIT_EVENTS', 'atlas_entity_audit_events_snap_<insert-date-here>'
→ exit
- hbase shell
- Export Snapshot from server terminal:
- hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot.ExportSnapshot -snapshot 'atlas_janus_snapshot_<insert-date-here>' -copy-to /tmp/hbasebackup/
- hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot.ExportSnapshot -snapshot 'atlas_entity_audit_events_snap_<insert-date-here>' -copy-to /tmp/hbasebackup/
The contents of '/tmp/hbasebackup/
' contain the table backup.
In case of below error:
ERROR snapshot.ExportSnapshot: Snapshot export failed Permission denied: user=hbase, access=WRITE, inode="/user":hdfs:supergroup:drwxr-xr-x at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSPermissionChecker.check(FSPermissionChecker. java:553)
To resolve the above error, provide the necessary permission to “hbase” user in “all - path” policy in the cm_hdfs service in Ranger. Also ensure, “hbase” user has permission in the “hbase-archive” policy as well.
Back Up Sqoop 2
If you are not using the default embedded Derby database for Sqoop 2,
back up the database you have configured for Sqoop 2. Otherwise, back up
the repository
subdirectory of the Sqoop 2 metastore
directory. This location is specified with the Sqoop 2 Server
Metastore Directory property. The default location is:
. For this default location, Derby
database files are located in
Back Up Hue
Back up the app registry file on all hosts running the Hue Server role if you have installed Cloudera Private Cloud Base using RPM packages.
The app registry file (app.reg
) is present in the
/usr/lib/hue directory if you have installed Hue using the RPM
package. It is a JSON file which contains the details of all apps that are used within Hue.
If you have installed Hue using the parcels, then the app.reg
file may not
be present on your system, and you do not need to back it
file for installations
using RPM
packages:cp -rp /usr/lib/hue/app.reg /usr/lib/hue_backup/app.reg-CM-CDH
Back Up Impala
- Back up query profile logs of Impala. The logs are present in the
/profiles directory under the coordinator log directory and the
filename is similar to impala_profile_log_1.1-1715070416212.
To investigate performance regressions that are introduced after an upgrade, you will require the query profiles from the previous cluster (older version). You can use tools like
to decode the query profiles into text profiles and then search for the runs before the upgrade for a comparison. - Back up logs of catalogd, statestore, and coordinators that can also be helpful in
troubleshooting. By default, the Impala logs are stored at
/var/log/catalogd/, /var/log/statestore/,
and /var/log/impalad/.
The log folders can be configured in Cloudera Manager by navigating to and searching for the "Catalog Server Log Directory", "StateStore Log Directory", and "Impala Daemon Log Directory" properties.