The Cloudera ManagerAgent is responsible for starting and stopping processes, unpacking configurations,
triggering installations, and monitoring all hosts in a cluster. You can install the Cloudera Manager agent manually on all hosts, or Cloudera Manager can install the Agents in a later step. To use Cloudera Manager to install the agents, skip this section.
To install the Cloudera Manager Agent packages manually, do the
following on every cluster host (including those that will run one or more of the Cloudera Management Service roles: Service Monitor, Activity Monitor, Event
Server, Alert Publisher, or Reports Manager):
Use one of the following commands to install the Cloudera Manager
Agent packages:
On every cluster host, configure the Cloudera Manager Agent to point
to the Cloudera Manager Server by setting the following properties in
the /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini configuration file:
Name of the host where Cloudera Manager Server is
Port on the host where Cloudera Manager Server is
Start the Agents by running the following command on all
sudo systemctl start cloudera-scm-agent
If the agent starts without errors, no response displays.
When the Agent starts, it contacts the Cloudera Manager Server. If
communication fails between a Cloudera Manager Agent and Cloudera Manager Server, see Troubleshooting Installation
Problems. When the Agent hosts reboot, cloudera-scm-agent
starts automatically.