Known Issues in Cloudera Manager 7.13.1

You must be aware of the known issues and limitations, the areas of impact, and workaround in Cloudera Manager 7.13.1.

OPSAPS-68340: Zeppelin paragraph execution fails with the User not allowed to impersonate error.

Starting from Cloudera Manager 7.11.3, Cloudera Manager auto-configures the livy_admin_users configuration when Livy is run for the first time. If you add Zeppelin or Knox services later to the existing cluster and do not manually update the service user, the User not allowed to impersonate error is displayed.

If you add Zeppelin or Knox services later to the existing cluster, you must manually add the respective service user to the livy_admin_users configuration in the Livy configuration page.

OPSAPS-69847:Replication policies might fail if source and target use different Kerberos encryption types

Replication policies might fail if the source and target Cloudera Manager instances use different encryption types in Kerberos because of different Java versions. For example, the Java 11 and higher versions might use the aes256-cts encryption type, and the versions lower than Java 11 might use the rc4-hmac encryption type.

Ensure that both the instances use the same Java version. If it is not possible to have the same Java versions on both the instances, ensure that they use the same encryption type for Kerberos. To check the encryption type in Cloudera Manager, search for krb_enc_types on the Cloudera Manager > Administration > Settings page.

OPSAPS-69342: Access issues identified in MariaDB 10.6 were causing discrepancies in High Availability (HA) mode

MariaDB 10.6, by default, includes the property require_secure_transport=ON in the configuration file (/etc/my.cnf), which is absent in MariaDB 10.4. This setting prohibits non-TLS connections, leading to access issues. This problem is observed in High Availability (HA) mode, where certain operations may not be using the same connection.

To resolve the issue temporarily, you can either comment out or disable the line require_secure_transport in the configuration file located at /etc/my.cnf.

OPSAPS-70771: Running Ozone replication policy does not show performance reports
During an Ozone replication policy run, the A server error has occurred. See Cloudera Manager server log for details error message appears when you click:
  • Performance Reports > OZONE Performance Summary or Performance Reports > OZONE Performance Full on the Replication Policies page.
  • Download CSV on the Replication History page to download any report.
CDPD-53185: Clear REPL_TXN_MAP table on target cluster when deleting a Hive ACID replication policy
The entry in REPL_TXN_MAP table on the target cluster is retained when the following conditions are true:
  1. A Hive ACID replication policy is replicating a transaction that requires multiple replication cycles to complete.
  2. The replication policy and databases used in it get deleted on the source and target cluster even before the transaction is completely replicated.

In this scenario, if you create a database using the same name as the deleted database on the source cluster, and then use the same name for the new Hive ACID replication policy to replicate the database, the replicated database on the target cluster is tagged as ‘database incompatible’. This happens after the housekeeper thread process (that runs every 11 days for an entry) deletes the retained entry.

Create another Hive ACID replication policy with a different name for the new database
OPSAPS-71592: Replication Manager does not read the default value of “ozone_replication_core_site_safety_valve” during Ozone replication policy run
During the Ozone replication policy run, Replication Manager does not read the value in the ozone_replication_core_site_safety_valve advanced configuration snippet if it is configured with the default value.
To mitigate this issue, you can use one of the following methods:
  • Remove some or all the properties in ozone_replication_core_site_safety_valve, and move them to ozone-conf/ozone-site.xml_service_safety_valve.
  • Add a dummy property with no value in ozone_replication_core_site_safety_valve. For example, add <property><name>dummy_property</name><value></value></property>, save the changes, and run the Ozone replication policy.
OPSAPS-71897: Finalize Upgrade command fails after upgrading the cluster with CustomKerberos setup causing INTERNAL_ERROR with EC writes.
After the UI FinalizeCommand fails, you must manually run the finalize commands through the Ozone Admin CLI:
  1. kinit with the scm custom kerberos principal
  2. ozone admin scm finalizeupgrade
  3. ozone admin scm finalizationstatus
OPSAPS-72204: HMS compaction configuration not updated through Cloudera Manager UI
The hive.compactor.initiator.on checkbox in Cloudera Manager UI for Hive Metastore (HMS) does not reflect the actual configuration value in cloud deployments. The default value is false, causing the compactor to not run.
To update the hive.compactor.initiator.on value:
  1. In the Cloudera Manager, go to Hive > Configuration
  2. Add the value for hive.compactor.initiator.on to true in the "Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml"
  3. Save the changes and Restart.
Once applied, the compaction process will run as expected.
OPSAPS-70702: Ranger replication policies fail because of the truststore file location
Ranger replication policies fail during the Exporting services, policies and roles from Ranger remote step.
  • Log in to the Ranger Admin host(s) on the source cluster.
  • Identify the Cloudera Manager agent PEM file using the # cat /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini | grep -i client_cert_file command. For example, the file might reside in client_cert_file=/myTLSpath/cm_server-cert.pem location.
  • Create the path for the new PEM file using the # mkdir -p /var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent/agent-cert/ command.
  • Copy the client_cert_file from config.ini as cm-auto-global_cacerts.pem file using the # cp /myTLSpath/cm_server-cert.pem /var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent/agent-cert/cm-auto-global_cacerts.pem command.
  • Change the ownership to 644 using the # chmod 644 /var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent/agent-cert/cm-auto-global_cacerts.pem command.
  • Resume the Ranger replication policy in Replication Manager.

OPSAPS-71424: The configuration sanity check step ignores during the replication advanced configuration snippet values during the Ozone replication policy job run
The OBS-to-OBS Ozone replication policy jobs fail if the S3 property values for fs.s3a.endpoint, fs.s3a.secret.key, and fs.s3a.access.key are empty in Ozone Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for ozone-conf/ozone-site.xml even though you defined the properties in Ozone Replication Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for core-site.xml.
Ensure that the S3 property values for fs.s3a.endpoint, fs.s3a.secret.key, and fs.s3a.access.key contains at least a dummy value in Ozone Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for ozone-conf/ozone-site.xml.

Additionally, you must ensure that you do not update the property values in Ozone Replication Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for core-site.xml for Ozone replication jobs. This is because the values in this advanced configuration snippet overrides the property values in core-site.xml and not the ozone-site.xml file.

Different property values in Ozone Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for ozone-conf/ozone-site.xml and Ozone Replication Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for core-site.xml result in a nondeterministic behavior where the replication job picks up either value during the job run which leads to incorrect results or replication job failure.

OPSAPS-71403: Ozone replication policy creation wizard shows "Listing Type" field in source Cloudera Private Cloud Base versions lower than 7.1.9
When the source Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster version is lower than 7.1.9 and the Cloudera Manager version is 7.11.3, the Ozone replication policy creation wizard shows Listing Type and its options. These options are not available in Cloudera Private Cloud Base 7.1.8x versions.
OPSAPS-71659: Ranger replication policy fails because of incorrect source to destination service name mapping
Ranger replication policy fails because of incorrect source to destination service name mapping format during the transform step.
If the service names are different in the source and target, then you can perform the following steps to resolve the issue:
  1. SSH to the host on which the Ranger Admin role is running.
  2. Find the file.
  3. Create a backup copy of the file.
  6. Save the file.
  7. Rerun the Ranger replication policy.
OPSAPS-69782: HBase COD-COD replication from 7.3.1 to 7.2.18 fails during the "create adhoc snapshot" step
An HBase replication policy replicating from 7.3.1 COD to 7.2.18 COD cluster that has ‘Perform Initial Snapshot” enabled fails during the snapshot creation step in Cloudera Replication Manager.
OPSAPS-71414: Permission denied for Ozone replication policy jobs if the source and target bucket names are identical
The OBS-to-OBS Ozone replication policy job fails with the Forbidden or Permission denied error when the bucket names on the source and target clusters are identical and the job uses S3 delegation tokens. Note that the Ozone replication jobs use the delegation tokens when the S3 connector service is enabled in the cluster.
You can use one of the following workarounds to mitigate the issue:
  • Use different bucket names on the source and target clusters.
  • Set the fs.s3a.delegation.token.binding property to an empty value in ozone_replication_core_site_safety_valve to disable the delegation tokens for Ozone replication policy jobs.
OPSAPS-71256: The “Create Ranger replication policy” action shows 'TypeError' if no peer exists
When you click target Cloudera Manager > Replication Manager > Replication Policies > Create Replication Policy > Ranger replication policy, the TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined error appears.
OPSAPS-71067: Wrong interval sent from the Replication Manager UI after Ozone replication policy submit or edit process.
When you edit the existing Ozone replication policies, the schedule frequency changes unexpectedly.
OPSAPS-70848: Hive external table replication policies fail if the source cluster is using Dell EMC Isilon storage
During the Hive external table replication policy run, the replication policy fails at the Hive Replication Export step. This issue is resolved.
OPSAPS-71005: RemoteCmdWork uses a singlethreaded executor
Replication Manager runs the remote commands for a replication policy through a single-thread executor.
OPSAPS-59553: SMM's bootstrap server config should be updated based on Kafka's listeners
SMM does not show any metrics for Kafka or Kafka Connect when multiple listeners are set in Kafka.
Workaround: SMM cannot identify multiple listeners and still points to bootstrap server using the default broker port (9093 for SASL_SSL). You need to override the bootstrap server URL by performing the following steps:
  1. In Cloudera Manager, go to SMM > Configuration > Streams Messaging Manager Rest Admin Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve)
  2. Override bootstrap server URL (hostname:port as set in the listeners for broker) for streams-messaging-manager.yaml.
  3. Save your changes.
  4. Restart SMM.
OPSAPS-69317: Kafka Connect Rolling Restart Check fails if SSL Client authentication is required
The rolling restart action does not work in Kafka Connect when the ssl.client.auth option is set to required. The health check fails with a timeout which blocks restarting the subsequent Kafka Connect instances.
You can set ssl.client.auth to requested instead of required and initiate a rolling restart again. Alternatively, you can perform the rolling restart manually by restarting the Kafka Connect instances one-by-one and checking periodically whether the service endpoint is available before starting the next one.
OPSAPS-70971: Schema Registry does not have permissions to use Atlas after an upgrade
Following an upgrade, Schema Registry might not have the required permissions in Ranger to access Atlas. As a result, Schema Registry's integration with Atlas might not function in secure clusters where Ranger authorization is enabled.
  1. Access the Ranger Console (Ranger Admin web UI).
  2. Click the cm_atlas resource-based service.
  3. Add the schemaregistry user to the all - * policies.
  4. Click Manage Service > Edit Service.
  5. Add the schemaregistry user to the default.policy.users property.
OPSAPS-59597: SMM UI logs are not supported by Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Manager does not display a Log Files menu for SMM UI role (and SMM UI logs cannot be displayed in the Cloudera Manager UI) because the logging type used by SMM UI is not supported by Cloudera Manager.
View the SMM UI logs on the host.
OPSAPS-72298: Impala metadata replication is mandatory and UDF functions parameters are not mapped to the destination
Impala metadata replication is enabled by default but the legacy Impala C/C++ UDF's (user-defined functions) are not replicated as expected during the Hive external table replication policy run.
Edit the location of the UDF functions after the replication run is complete. To accomplish this task, you can edit the “path of the UDF function” to map it to the new cluster address, or you can use a script.
OPSAPS-70713: Error appears when running Atlas replication policy if source or target clusters use Dell EMC Isilon storage
You cannot create an Atlas replication policy between clusters if one or both the clusters use Dell EMC Isilon storage.
OPSAPS-72468: Subsequent Ozone OBS-to-OBS replication policy do not skip replicated files during replication
The first Ozone replication policy run is a bootstrap run. Sometimes, the subsequent runs might also be bootstrap jobs if the incremental replication fails and the job runs fall back to bootstrap replication. In this scenario, the bootstrap replication jobs might replicate the files that were already replicated because the modification time is different for a file on the source and the target cluster.
OPSAPS-72470: Hive ACID replication policies fail when target cluster uses Dell EMC Isilon storage and supports JDK17
Hive ACID replication policies fail if the target cluster is deployed with Dell EMC Isilon storage and also supports JDK17.