Understanding the Cron Expression generator

In the Profiler > Configs > Detail page, a cron expression defines when the profiler schedule executes and visualizes the next execution dates of your profiling jobs.

The Unix (in Compute Cluster enabled environments) and quartz (in VM-based environments) cron expression uses the following typical format:

Each * in the cron represents a unique value.

The ? character is used for undefined day of the month and the day of the week.

Schedule: * * * * * ? *

For example, consider a cron with the following values:

1 2 3 2 5 ? 2021

This cron expression is scheduled to run the profiler job at: 03:02:01am, on the 2nd day, in May, in 2021.

Cron Expression: 0 18 * * *

In this format the * characters represent the following units:Minute hour day(month) month day(week)

For example, consider a cron with the following values:

CRON Expression: 30 10 15 5 *

This cron expression is scheduled to run the profiler job at: “At 10:30 on 15th day-of-month in May.”

Consider another example:

30 10 * 5 7

This cron expression is scheduled to run the profiler job at: “At 10:30 on Sunday in May”.

You can change the value of cron as and when it is required depending on how you want to schedule your profiler job.