Oracle JDK Installation

The Oracle JDK installer is available both as an RPM-based installer for RPM-based systems, and as a binary installer for other systems.
On SLES 11 platforms, do not install or try to use the IBM Java version bundled with the SLES distribution; Hadoop will not run correctly with that version. Install the Oracle JDK by following the instructions below.
To install the Oracle JDK:
- Download the .tar.gz file for one of the supported versions of the Oracle JDK from this page. (This link was correct at the time of writing, but the page is restructured frequently.)
- Extract the JDK to /usr/java/jdk-version; for example /usr/java/jdk.1.7.0_nn, where is a nn is a supported version.
- In /etc/default/bigtop-utils, set JAVA_HOME to the directory where the JDK is
installed; for
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default
- Symbolically link the directory where the JDK is installed to
/usr/java/default; for example:
ln -s /usr/java/jdk.1.7.0_nn /usr/java/default
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