Configuring Impala to Work with ODBC
Third-party products can be designed to integrate with Impala using ODBC. For the best experience, ensure any
third-party product you intend to use is supported. Verifying support includes checking that the versions of
Impala, ODBC, the operating system, and the third-party product have all been approved for use together. Before
configuring your systems to use ODBC, download a connector.
You may need to sign in and accept license agreements before accessing the pages required for downloading ODBC

Version 1.x of the Cloudera ODBC Connectors uses the original HiveServer1 protocol, corresponding to Impala port 21000.
The newer versions 2.5 and 2.0, currently certified for some but not all BI applications, use the HiveServer2 protocol, corresponding to Impala port 21050. Impala supports Kerberos authentication with all the supported versions of the driver, and requires ODBC 2.05.13 for Impala or higher for LDAP username/password authentication.
See the downloads page for the versions of these drivers for different products, and the documentation page for installation instructions.

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