A data type used in CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements, representing a point in time.
Range: Allowed date values range from 1400-01-01 to 9999-12-31; this range is different from the Hive TIMESTAMP type. Internally, the resolution of the time portion of a TIMESTAMP value is in nanoseconds.
INTERVAL expressions:
You can perform date arithmetic by adding or subtracting a specified number of time units, using the INTERVAL keyword and the + and - operators or date_add() and date_sub() functions. You can specify units as YEAR[S], MONTH[S], WEEK[S], DAY[S], HOUR[S], MINUTE[S], SECOND[S], MILLISECOND[S], MICROSECOND[S], and NANOSECOND[S]. You can only specify one time unit in each interval expression, for example INTERVAL 3 DAYS or INTERVAL 25 HOURS, but you can produce any granularity by adding together successive INTERVAL values, such as timestamp_value + INTERVAL 3 WEEKS - INTERVAL 1 DAY + INTERVAL 10 MICROSECONDS.
For example:
select now() + interval 1 day; select date_sub(now(), interval 5 minutes); insert into auction_details select auction_id, auction_start_time, auction_start_time + interval 2 days + interval 12 hours from new_auctions;
Time zones: Impala does not store timestamps using the local timezone to avoid undesired results from unexpected time zone issues. Timestamps are stored relative to GMT.
Conversions: Impala automatically converts STRING literals of the correct format into TIMESTAMP values. Timestamp values are accepted in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.sssssssss, and can consist of just the date, or just the time, with or without the fractional second portion. For example, you can specify TIMESTAMP values such as '1966-07-30', '08:30:00', or '1985-09-25 17:45:30.005'. You can cast an integer or floating-point value N to TIMESTAMP, producing a value that is N seconds past the start of the epoch date (January 1, 1970).

Although you cannot use a TIMESTAMP column as a partition key, you can extract the individual years, months, days, hours, and so on and partition based on those columns. Because the partition key column values are represented in HDFS directory names, rather than as fields in the data files themselves, you can also keep the original TIMESTAMP values if desired, without duplicating data or wasting storage space. See Partition Key Columns for more details on partitioning with date and time values.
[localhost:21000] > create table timeline (event string) partitioned by (happened timestamp); ERROR: AnalysisException: Type 'TIMESTAMP' is not supported as partition-column type in column: happened
select cast('1966-07-30' as timestamp); select cast('1985-09-25 17:45:30.005' as timestamp); select cast('08:30:00' as timestamp); select hour('1970-01-01 15:30:00'); -- Succeeds, returns 15. select hour('1970-01-01 15:30'); -- Returns NULL because seconds field required. select hour('1970-01-01 27:30:00'); -- Returns NULL because hour value out of range. select dayofweek('2004-06-13'); -- Returns 1, representing Sunday. select dayname('2004-06-13'); -- Returns 'Sunday'. select date_add('2004-06-13', 365); -- Returns 2005-06-13 with zeros for hh:mm:ss fields. select day('2004-06-13'); -- Returns 13. select datediff('1989-12-31','1984-09-01'); -- How many days between these 2 dates? select now(); -- Returns current date and time in UTC timezone. create table dates_and_times (t timestamp); insert into dates_and_times values ('1966-07-30'), ('1985-09-25 17:45:30.005'), ('08:30:00'), (now());
Currently, Avro tables cannot contain TIMESTAMP columns. If you need to store date and time values in Avro tables, as a workaround you can use a STRING representation of the values, convert the values to BIGINT with the UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function, or create separate numeric columns for individual date and time fields using the EXTRACT() function.
Related information: Literals; to convert to or from different date formats, or perform date arithmetic, use the date and time functions described in Date and Time Functions. In particular, the from_unixtime() function requires a case-sensitive format string such as "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSS", matching one of the allowed variations of TIMESTAMP value (date plus time, only date, only time, optional fractional seconds).
See SQL Differences Between Impala and Hive for details about differences in TIMESTAMP handling between Impala and Hive.
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