High Availability and Fault Tolerance
Mission critical, large-scale online production systems need to make progress without downtime despite some issues. Cloudera Search provides two routes to configurable, highly available, and fault-tolerant data ingestion:
- Near Real Time (NRT) ingestion using the Flume Solr Sink
- MapReduce based batch ingestion using the MapReduceIndexerTool
Production versus Test Mode
Some exceptions are generally transient, in which case the corresponding task can simply be retried. For example, network connection errors or timeouts are recoverable exceptions. Conversely, tasks associated with an unrecoverable exception cannot simply be retried. Corrupt or malformed parser input data, parser bugs, and errors related to unknown Solr schema fields produce unrecoverable exceptions.
Different modes determine how Cloudera Search responds to different types of exceptions.
- Configuration parameter isProductionMode=false (Non-production mode or test mode): Default configuration. Cloudera Search throws exceptions to quickly reveal failures, providing better debugging diagnostics to the user.
- Configuration parameter isProductionMode=true (Production mode): Cloudera Search logs and ignores unrecoverable exceptions, enabling mission-critical large-scale online production systems to make progress without downtime, despite some issues.

If Cloudera Search throws an exception according the rules described above, the caller, meaning Flume Solr Sink and MapReduceIndexerTool, can catch the exception and retry the task if it meets the criteria for such retries.
Near Real Time Indexing with the Flume Solr Sink
The Flume Solr Sink uses the settings established by the isProductionMode and isIgnoringRecoverableExceptions parameters. If a SolrSink does nonetheless receive an exception, the SolrSink rolls the transaction back and pauses. This causes the Flume channel, which is essentially a queue, to redeliver the transaction's events to the SolrSink approximately five seconds later. This redelivering of the transaction event retries the ingest to Solr. This process of rolling back, backing off, and retrying continues until ingestion eventually succeeds.
agent.sinks.solrSink.isProductionMode = true agent.sinks.solrSink.isIgnoringRecoverableExceptions = true
In addition, Flume SolrSink automatically attempts to load balance and failover among the hosts of a SolrCloud before it considers the transaction rollback and retry. Load balancing and failover is done with the help of ZooKeeper, which itself can be configured to be highly available.
Further, Cloudera Manager can configure Flume so it automatically restarts if its process crashes.
To tolerate extended periods of Solr downtime, you can configure Flume to use a high-performance transactional persistent queue in the form of a FileChannel. A FileChannel can use any number of local disk drives to buffer significant amounts of data. For example, you might buffer many terabytes of events corresponding to a week of data. Further, using the optional replicating channels Flume feature, you can configure Flume to replicate the same data both into HDFS as well as into Solr. Doing so ensures that if the Flume SolrSink channel runs out of disk space, data delivery is still delivered to HDFS, and this data can later be ingested from HDFS into Solr using MapReduce.
Many machines with many Flume Solr Sinks and FileChannels can be used in a failover and load balancing configuration to improve high availability and scalability. Flume SolrSink servers can be either co-located with live Solr servers serving end user queries, or Flume SolrSink servers can be deployed on separate industry standard hardware for improved scalability and reliability. By spreading indexing load across a large number of Flume SolrSink servers you can improve scalability. Indexing load can be replicated across multiple Flume SolrSink servers for high availability, for example using Flume features such as Load balancing Sink Processor.
Batch Indexing with MapReduceIndexerTool
The Mappers and Reducers of the MapReduceIndexerTool follow the settings established by the isProductionMode and isIgnoringRecoverableExceptions parameters. However, if a Mapper or Reducer of the MapReduceIndexerTool does receive an exception, it does not retry at all. Instead it lets the MapReduce task fail and relies on the Hadoop Job Tracker to retry failed MapReduce task attempts several times according to standard Hadoop semantics. Cloudera Manager can configure the Hadoop Job Tracker to be highly available. On MapReduceIndexerTool startup, all data in the output directory is deleted if that output directory already exists. To retry an entire job that has failed, rerun the program using the same arguments.
hadoop ... MapReduceIndexerTool ... -D isProductionMode=true -D isIgnoringRecoverableExceptions=true ...
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