Installing Oozie
Oozie is distributed as two separate packages; a client package (oozie-client) and a server package (oozie). Depending on what you are planning to install, choose the appropriate packages and install them using your preferred package manager application.

The Oozie server package, oozie, is preconfigured to work with MRv2 (YARN). To configure the Oozie server to work with MRv1, see Configuring the Hadoop Version to Use.

If you have not already done so, install Cloudera's Yum, zypper/YaST or Apt repository before using the following commands to install Oozie. For instructions, see CDH 5 Installation.
To install the Oozie server package on an Ubuntu and other Debian system:
$ sudo apt-get install oozie
To install the Oozie client package on an Ubuntu and other Debian system:
$ sudo apt-get install oozie-client
To install the Oozie server package on a Red Hat-compatible system:
$ sudo yum install oozie
To install the Oozie client package on a Red Hat-compatible system:
$ sudo yum install oozie-client
To install the Oozie server package on a SLES system:
$ sudo zypper install oozie
To install the Oozie client package on a SLES system:
$ sudo zypper install oozie-client

Installing the oozie package creates an oozie service configured to start Oozie at system startup time.
You are now ready to configure Oozie. See the next section.
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