CDH Packaging and Tarball Information

To see the details of all the changes and bug-fixes for a given component in a given release, make sure you read the Changes file as well as the Release Notes, following the links in the tables below.
CDH 5.1.5 Packaging and Tarballs
This section only contains packaging information for the current release. To see packaging and tarball information for older releases, refer CDH Packaging Information for Previous Releases. To view the overall release notes for CDH 5.x.x, CDH 5 Release Notes.
Component |
Package Version |
Tarball |
Release Notes |
Changes File |
Apache Avro |
avro-1.7.5+cdh5.1.5+36 |
Apache Crunch |
crunch-0.10.0+cdh5.1.5+20 |
DataFu |
pig-udf-datafu-1.1.0+cdh5.1.5+17 |
Apache Flume |
flume-ng-1.5.0+cdh5.1.5+21 |
Apache Hadoop |
hadoop-2.3.0+cdh5.1.5+854 |
Apache HBase |
hbase-0.98.1+cdh5.1.5+94 |
HBase-Solr |
hbase-solr-1.5+cdh5.1.5+18 |
Apache Hive |
hive-0.12.0+cdh5.1.5+413 |
Hue |
hue-3.6.0+cdh5.1.5+114 |
Cloudera Impala |
impala-1.4+cdh5.1.5+0 |
(none) |
Kite SDK |
kite-0.10.0+cdh5.1.5+126 |
Llama |
llama-1.0.0+cdh5.1.5+0 |
Apache Mahout |
mahout-0.9+cdh5.1.5+17 |
Apache Oozie |
oozie-4.0.0+cdh5.1.5+261 |
Parquet |
parquet-1.2.5+cdh5.1.5+142 |
Parquet-format |
parquet-format-1.0.0+cdh5.1.5+12 |
Apache Pig |
pig-0.12.0+cdh5.1.5+40 |
Cloudera Search |
search-1.0.0+cdh5.1.5+0 |
Apache Sentry (incubating) |
sentry-1.3.0+cdh5.1.5+168 |
Apache Solr |
solr-4.4.0+cdh5.1.5+241 |
Apache Spark |
spark-1.0.0+cdh5.1.5+49 |
Apache Sqoop |
sqoop-1.4.4+cdh5.1.5+61 |
Apache Sqoop2 |
sqoop2-1.99.3+cdh5.1.5+32 |
Apache Whirr |
whirr-0.9.0+cdh5.1.5+15 |
Apache ZooKeeper |
zookeeper-3.4.5+cdh5.1.5+35 |
CDH Package Manifests
Both the CDH patched source and packages contain explicit information about Cloudera modifications. For example, in the patched source there is a top-level cloudera directory with:
- A CHANGES.cloudera.txt file that lists all the changes to the pristine source
- A patches directory that contains every patch Cloudera has applied to the pristine source. All Cloudera patches are released with an Apache 2.0 license.
- A files directory for files Cloudera created from scratch, such as man pages and configuration files. All Cloudera files are released with an Apache 2.0 license.
- A README.cloudera file that explains explicitly how to recreate the patches source from the pristine source.
Build and Release Numbering
If you are installing CDH 5 with a package manager, you will also see build and release information as part of the file name. The build and package release fields follow the patch level: for example, hbase-0.98.1+cdh5.1.0+64-1.cdh5.1.0.p0.34.el6.x86_64.rpm. The suffix -1.cdh5.1.0.p0.34.el6.x86_64 represents:
- the base of the release field (1)
- the CDH release (cdh5.1.0)
- the customer patch identifier (p0 — which will be 0 for all regular CDH releases but will increment for customer patches)
- the build number (34)
- the distribution (el6 = RHEL/CentOs 6, el5 = RHEL/Centos 5, sles11 = SLES 11)
- the processor architecture (x86_64, noarch, i386, amd_64). noarch means the packages are not architecture-specific.
Links to External Project Documentation
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