CDH 5 Installation Guide
This CDH 5 Installation Guide is for Apache Hadoop developers and system administrators interested in Hadoop installation. It describes how to install and configure version 5 of CDH, Cloudera's 100% open source platform containing Apache Hadoop and related projects (CDH 5), and how to deploy it on a cluster.
The guide covers the following major topics.
Before You Start:
Installation tasks:
- Install CDH 5. Start here for a new installation on a cluster.
- Deploy CDH 5. Do these tasks after installing core Hadoop.
- Install components. Install additional components after installing and deploying HDFS and MapReduce. (Components are listed below.)

Upgrade tasks:
Note: Use these instructions to migrate data from a CDH 4 cluster to a CDH 5 cluster.
- Upgrade from CDH 4 to CDH 5. Use these instructions if you are currently running a CDH 4 release; or
- Upgrade from a CDH 5 Beta Release. Use these instructions if you are currently running a CDH 5 Beta release; or
- Upgrade from CDH 5.0.0 or later. Use these instructions if you are currently running CDH 5.0.0 or later.
- Upgrade components. Upgrade all installed components (see the list below) after upgrading core Hadoop.

CDH 5 Components
Use the following sections to install or upgrade CDH 5 components:
- Crunch Installation
- Flume Installation
- HBase Installation
- Installing and Using HCatalog
- Hive Installation
- HttpFS Installation
- Hue Installation
- Impala Installation
- Llama Installation
- Mahout Installation
- Oozie Installation
- Pig Installation
- Search Installation
- Sentry Installation
- Snappy Installation
- Spark Installation
- Sqoop 1 Installation
- Sqoop 2 Installation
- Whirr Installation
- ZooKeeper Installation
Other Topics in this Guide
This guide also contains information on the following:
- Avro Usage
- Using the Parquet File Format with Impala, Hive, Pig, and MapReduce
- Configuring Ports for CDH 5
- Maintenance Tasks and Notes
- Java Development Kit (JDK) Installation
- Mountable HDFS
- Configuring an NFSv3 Gateway
- Creating a local Yum Repository
- Using the CDH 5 Maven Repository
- Building RPMs from Source RPMs
- Getting Support
- Apache and Third-Party Licenses
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