Installing HBase
To install HBase On Red Hat-compatible systems:
$ sudo yum install hbase
To install HBase on Ubuntu and Debian systems:
$ sudo apt-get install hbase
To install HBase on SLES systems:
$ sudo zypper install hbase

To list the installed files on Ubuntu and Debian systems:
$ dpkg -L hbase
To list the installed files on Red Hat and SLES systems:
$ rpm -ql hbase
You can see that the HBase package has been configured to conform to the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. (To learn more, run man hier).
You are now ready to enable the server daemons you want to use with Hadoop. You can also enable Java-based client access by adding the JAR files in /usr/lib/hbase/ and /usr/lib/hbase/lib/ to your Java class path.
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