Upgrading Impala
Upgrading Cloudera Impala involves stopping Impala services, using your operating system's package management tool to upgrade Impala to the latest version, and then restarting Impala services.

- Each version of CDH 5 has an associated version of Impala, When you upgrade from CDH 4 to CDH 5, you get whichever version of Impala comes with the associated level of CDH. Depending on the version of Impala you were running on CDH 4, this could install a lower level of Impala on CDH 5. For example, if you upgrade to CDH 5.0 from CDH 4 plus Impala 1.4, the CDH 5.0 installation comes with Impala 1.3. Always check the associated level of Impala before upgrading to a specific version of CDH 5. Where practical, upgrade from CDH 4 to the latest CDH 5, which also has the latest Impala.
If you upgrade to Impala 1.4.0, upgrade Cloudera Manager as well:
- Users running Impala on CDH 5 must upgrade to Cloudera Manager 5.0.0 or higher.
- Users running Impala on CDH 4 must upgrade to Cloudera Manager 4.8 or higher. Cloudera Manager 4.8 includes management support for the Impala catalog service introduced in Impala 1.2, and is the minimum Cloudera Manager version you can use.
- Cloudera Manager is continually updated with configuration settings for features introduced in the latest Impala releases.
- If you are upgrading from CDH 5 beta to CDH 5.0 production, make sure you are using the appropriate CDH 5 repositories shown on the CDH version and packaging page, then follow the procedures throughout the rest of this section.
- Every time you upgrade to a new major or minor Impala release, see Cloudera Impala Incompatible Changes in the Release Notes for any changes needed in your source code, startup scripts, and so on.
- Also check Cloudera Impala Known Issues and Workarounds in the Release Notes for any issues or limitations that require workarounds.
Due to a change to the implementation of logging in Impala 1.1.1 and higher, currently you should change the default setting for the logbuflevel property for the Impala service after installing through Cloudera Manager. In Cloudera Manager, go to the log settings page for the Impala service: Impala Daemon Log Buffer Level (logbuflevel) from -1 to 0. You might change this setting to a value higher than 0, if you prefer to reduce the I/O overhead for logging, at the expense of possibly losing some lower-priority log messages in the event of a crash.
. Change the setting -
For the resource management feature to work (in combination with CDH 5 and the YARN and Llama components), the impala user must be a member of the hdfs group. This setup is performed automatically during a new install, but not when upgrading from earlier Impala releases to Impala 1.2. If you are upgrading a node to CDH 5 that already had Impala 1.1 or 1.0 installed, manually add the impala user to the hdfs group. For Llama installation instructions, see Llama installation.
Upgrading Impala through Cloudera Manager - Parcels
Parcels are an alternative binary distribution format available in Cloudera Manager 4.5 and higher. To upgrade Impala in a Cloudera Managed environment, using parcels:
If you originally installed using packages and now are switching to parcels, remove all the Impala-related packages first.
You can check which packages are installed using one of the following commands, depending on your operating system:
rpm -qa # RHEL, Oracle Linux, CentOS, Debian dpkg --get-selections # Debian
and then remove the packages using one of the following commands:sudo yum remove pkg_names # RHEL, Oracle Linux, CentOS sudo zypper remove pkg_names # SLES sudo apt-get purge pkg_names # Ubuntu, Debian
- Connect to the Cloudera Manager Admin Console.
- Go to the tab. You should see a parcel with a newer version of Impala that you can upgrade to.
- Click Download, then Distribute. (The button changes as each step completes.)
- Click Activate.
- When prompted, click Restart to restart the Impala service.
Upgrading Impala through Cloudera Manager - Packages
To upgrade Impala in a Cloudera Managed environment, using packages:
- Connect to the Cloudera Manager Admin Console.
- In the Services tab, click the Impala service.
- Click Actions and click Stop.
Use one of the following sets of commands to update Impala on each Impala node
in your cluster:
For RHEL, Oracle Linux, or CentOS systems:
$ sudo yum update impala $ sudo yum update hadoop-lzo-cdh4 # Optional; if this package is already installed.
For SUSE systems:
$ sudo zypper update impala $ sudo zypper update hadoop-lzo-cdh4 # Optional; if this package is already installed
For Debian or Ubuntu systems:
$ sudo apt-get install impala $ sudo apt-get install hadoop-lzo-cdh4 # Optional; if this package is already installed
Use one of the following sets of commands to update Impala shell on each node
on which it is installed:
For RHEL, Oracle Linux, or CentOS systems:
$ sudo yum update impala-shell
For SUSE systems:
$ sudo zypper update impala-shell
For Debian or Ubuntu systems:
$ sudo apt-get install impala-shell
- Connect to the Cloudera Manager Admin Console.
- In the Services tab, click the Impala service.
- Click Actions and click Start.
Upgrading Impala without Cloudera Manager
To upgrade Impala on a cluster not managed by Cloudera Manager, run these Linux commands on the appropriate hosts in your cluster:
Stop Impala services.
Stop impalad on each Impala node in your cluster:
$ sudo service impala-server stop
Stop any instances of the state store in your cluster:
$ sudo service impala-state-store stop
Stop any instances of the catalog service in your cluster:
$ sudo service impala-catalog stop
Stop impalad on each Impala node in your cluster:
- Check if there are new recommended or required configuration settings to put into place in the configuration files, typically under /etc/impala/conf. See Post-Installation Configuration for Impala for settings related to performance and scalability.
Use one of the following sets of commands to update Impala on each Impala node
in your cluster:
For RHEL, Oracle Linux, or CentOS systems:
$ sudo yum update impala-server $ sudo zypper update hadoop-lzo-cdh4 # Optional; if this package is already installed $ sudo yum update impala-catalog # New in Impala 1.2; do yum install when upgrading from 1.1.
For SUSE systems:
$ sudo zypper update impala-server $ sudo zypper update hadoop-lzo-cdh4 # Optional; if this package is already installed $ sudo zypper update impala-catalog # New in Impala 1.2; do zypper install when upgrading from 1.1.
For Debian or Ubuntu systems:
$ sudo apt-get install impala-server $ sudo apt-get install hadoop-lzo-cdh4 # Optional; if this package is already installed $ sudo apt-get install impala-catalog # New in Impala 1.2.
Use one of the following sets of commands to update Impala shell on each node
on which it is installed:
For RHEL, Oracle Linux, or CentOS systems:
$ sudo yum update impala-shell
For SUSE systems:
$ sudo zypper update impala-shell
For Debian or Ubuntu systems:
$ sudo apt-get install impala-shell
- Depending on which release of Impala you are upgrading from, you might find that the symbolic links /etc/impala/conf and /usr/lib/impala/sbin are missing. If so, see Known Issues in the Current Production Release (Impala 1.4.x) for the procedure to work around this problem.
Restart Impala services:
Restart the Impala state store service on the desired nodes in your cluster. Expect to see a process named
statestored if the service started successfully.
$ sudo service impala-state-store start $ ps ax | grep [s]tatestored 6819 ? Sl 0:07 /usr/lib/impala/sbin/statestored -log_dir=/var/log/impala -state_store_port=24000
Restart the state store service before the Impala server service to avoid
" Not connected" errors when you run impala-shell. -
Restart the Impala catalog service on whichever host it runs on in your cluster. Expect to see a process named
catalogd if the service started successfully.
$ sudo service impala-catalog restart $ ps ax | grep [c]atalogd 6068 ? Sl 4:06 /usr/lib/impala/sbin/catalogd
Restart the Impala daemon service on each node in your cluster. Expect to see a process named
impalad if the service started successfully.
$ sudo service impala-server start $ ps ax | grep [i]mpalad 7936 ? Sl 0:12 /usr/lib/impala/sbin/impalad -log_dir=/var/log/impala -state_store_port=24000 -use_statestore -state_store_host= -be_port=22000
Restart the Impala state store service on the desired nodes in your cluster. Expect to see a process named
statestored if the service started successfully.

If the services did not start successfully (even though the sudo service command might display [OK]), check for errors in the Impala log file, typically in /var/log/impala.
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