Limitations of the Cloudera Connector for Tableau
Users of this ODBC driver should take the time to familiarize themselves with Apache Hive and its limitations. Hive user documentation can be found at Apache Hive is not a relational database, and does not support many of the features that are typically found in relational database systems. Missing features include the following:
- No support for transactions.
- No support for cursors or scrollable cursors.
- No support for row level inserts, updates, or deletes.
- No explicit support for canceling a running query.
- No support for prepared statements.
Users should also be aware that Apache Hive implements its own dialect of SQL called HiveQL. HiveQL does not satisfy any of the ANSI SQL standards, and also includes extensions to SQL that are not compatible with the ANSI standard.
Apache Hive's limitations affect the driver in two ways: (1) many types of SQL statements can not be executed through the driver because the underlying system (Hive) does not support them, and (2) many functions in the ODBC API can not be supported on top of Hive because Hive does not provide the required infrastructure.
The following ODBC functions are not supported by the driver:
- SQLBindParameter
- SQLBrowseConnect
- SQLBulkOperations
- SQLCancel
- SQLCloseCursor
- SQLColumnPrivileges
- SQLCopyDesc
- SQLDataSources
- SQLDrivers
- SQLEndTrans
- SQLGetCursorName
- SQLGetDescField
- SQLGetDescRec
- SQLMoreResults
- SQLNativeSQL
- SQLParamOptions
- SQLPrepare
- SQLSetCursorName
- SQLSetDescField
- SQLSetDescRec
- SQLSetPos
- SQLSetScrollOptions
- SQLTablePrivileges
- SQLTransact
The driver provides support for the following ODBC functions, though bugs may be present:
- SQLAllocConnect
- SQLAllocEnv
- SQLAllocHandle
- SQLAllocStmt
- SQLBindCol
- SQLColAttribute
- SQLColAttributes
- SQLColumns
- SQLConnect
- SQLDescribeCol
- SQLDescribeParam
- SQLDisconnect
- SQLDriverConnect
- SQLError
- SQLExecDirect
- SQLExecute
- SQLFetch
- SQLForeignKeys
- SQLFreeConnect
- SQLFreeEnv
- SQLFreeHandle
- SQLFreeStmt
- SQLGetConnectAttr
- SQLGetConnectOption
- SQLGetConnectionOption
- SQLGetData
- SQLGetDiagField
- SQLGetDiagRec
- SQLGetEnvAttr
- SQLGetFunctions
- SQLGetInfo
- SQLGetStmtAttr
- SQLGetStmtOption
- SQLGetTypeInfo
- SQLNumParams
- SQLNumResultCols
- SQLParamData
- SQLPrimaryKeys
- SQLProcedureColumns
- SQLProcedures
- SQLPutData
- SQLRowCount (Always returns -1)
- SQLSetConnectAttr
- SQLSetEnvAttr
- SQLSetParam
- SQLSetStmtAttr
- SQLSetStmtOption
- SQLSpecialColumns
- SQLStatistics
- SQLTables
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