October 10, 2021
Cloudera Operational Database 1.16 version supports modified auto-scaling criteria and a built-in coprocessor AggregateImplementation.
Cloudera Operational Database supports modified auto-scaling criteria
Cloudera Operational Database now supports an improved auto-scaling algorithm that considers the latency of the user operations. Cloudera Operational Database now prioritises user operations over system operations that results in a reduced cost of infrastructure with a minor increase in replication.
Cloudera Operational Database supports a built-in coprocessor AggregateImplementation
Cloudera Operational Database now supports a built-in coprocessor called AggregateImplementation that facilitates aggregation function computations (min, max, sum,avg, median, std) at the region level. This yields better performance because you need not get all the data to perform these calculations. Cloudera Operational Database enables AggregateImplementation by default, and you can use the AggregationClient service in HBase to perform RegionServer side aggregation. For example, row count.