November 10, 2021
Cloudera Operational Database 1.17 version is now available as a technical preview on GCP (Google Cloud Platform) and with various performance improvements.
Cloudera Operational Database is available as a Technical Preview feature on GCP
You can now deploy Cloudera Operational Database on GCP easily similar to what is available for Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure.
Cloudera Operational Database automatically improves the performance by 80% when you use AWS S3
Cloudera Operational Database now delivers a better performance in S3 because the data loading behaviour from S3 into cache is tuned. This improvement minimizes the cost associated with the S3’s high latency to read data.
Cloudera Operational Database improvises scalability when using block storage on AWS
Cloudera Operational Database now uses larger EBS volumes for the underlying master nodes to provide better scalability.