December 10, 2022
Cloudera Operational Database 1.26 version supports managing the edge nodes using CDP CLI and disabling the Kerberos authentication while creating an operational database using CDP CLI.
Cloudera Operational Database supports creating edge nodes while creating an operational database
Cloudera Operational Database now allows you to create edge nodes while creating an operational database. You can define the number of edge nodes to be created, and Cloudera Operational Database automatically creates and configures the nodes in your Cloudera Operational Database cluster.
You can also add additional nodes into your Cloudera Operational Database cluster or delete an existing one using the edge node instance ID.
For more information, see Managing edge nodes.
Cloudera Operational Database supports disabling the Kerberos authentication while creating an operational database using CDP CLI
Cloudera Operational Database now allows you to disable the Kerberos authentication while creating an operational
database using CDP CLI. You can use the --disable-kerberos
option while running
the create-database command to disable the Kerberos authentication.
cdp opdb create-database --environment-name ENVIRONMENT_NAME --database-name DATABASE_NAME --disable-kerberos