December 18, 2023

Cloudera Operational Database 1.37 version supports modifications to the entitlements and Multi-AZ deployment on an Azure environment.

Cloudera Operational Database has enabled the COD_ON_GCS entitlement

You can deploy Cloudera Operational Database on a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) by using Google Cloud Storage (GCS) similar to what is available for Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 storage and Microsoft Azure blob storage. Now, Cloudera Operational Database has enabled the COD_ON_GCS entitlement, by default, for such a deployment.

Cloudera Operational Database has removed the COD_EDGE_NODE entitlement

Cloudera Operational Database has removed the COD_EDGE_NODE entitlement now because it is not needed anymore. Cloudera Operational Database edge node functionality is enabled for all Cloudera Operational Database customers now.

Cloudera Operational Database has removed the COD_STOREFILE_TRACKING entitlement

Cloudera Operational Database has removed the COD_STOREFILE_TRACKING entitlement because it is not needed anymore. The Store File Tracking (SFT) functionality is enabled on all new Cloudera Operational Database clusters created with cloud storage.

Cloudera Operational Database has removed the OPDB_USE_EPHEMERAL_STORAGE entitlement

Cloudera Operational Database has removed the OPDB_USE_EPHEMERAL_STORAGE entitlement because it is not needed anymore. The use of Cloudera Operational Database on a cloud storage with ephemeral cache is enabled without an entitlement depending on the cluster creation parameters.

Cloudera Operational Database supports Multiple Availability Zones (Multi-AZ) on Azure [Technical Preview]

Cloudera Operational Database ensures high availability and fault tolerance using Multi-AZ deployments. A Multi-AZ deployment means that compute infrastructure for HBase’s master and region servers are distributed across multiple AZs ensuring that when a single availability zone has an outage, only a portion of Region Servers is impacted and clients automatically switch over to the remaining servers in the available AZs.

Multi-AZ for Cloudera Operational Database is now supported on Microsoft Azure environments as a technical preview and is considered under development. For more information, see Multi-AZ deployment on Cloudera Operational Database.

Cloudera Operational Database supports a new instance type I4i for Cloud With Ephemeral Storage type databases on AWS environments

When you create a new operational database with Cloud With Ephemeral Storage as the storage type on an AWS environment, Cloudera Operational Database creates the database with an I4i instance type for the worker nodes.

Cloudera Operational Database supports fast autoscaling for higher computing requirements

When you create a new operational database using CDP CLI, you can enable fast autoscaling by defining the required parameters using the --auto-scaling-parameters option. Cloudera Operational Database now supports a new instance group called, Compute. The nodes under this instance group are automatically scaled up or scaled down based on the CPU utilization and RPC latency.

To use fast autoscaling, you must have the COD_USE_COMPUTE_ONLY_NODES entitlement.

Following is a sample command.

cdp opdb create-database —environment-name <env_name> –database-name <db_name> --auto-scaling-parameters '{"minComputeNodesForDatabase":<min_compute_nodes>, "maxComputeNodesForDatabase": <max_compute_nodes>}'

For more information, see The fast autoscaling in Cloudera Operational Database.