May 30, 2024
Cloudera Operational Database 1.42 version supports HBase REST server scaling and CDP CLI enhancements.
The HBase REST server scaling for better performance [Technical Preview]
You can scale up the HBase REST server using the Apache HBase REST API, for better connectivity to Cloudera Operational Database. You need a minimum of two Gateway nodes to utilize this functionality. The required number of Gateway nodes can be specified using the --gateway-nodes-count option in the create-database command using CDP CLI.
This feature is under technical preview. To use this feature, you must have the
entitlement enabled in your Cloudera environment.
Following is a sample command.
cdp opdb create-database --environment-name env_name --database-name database_name --gateway-nodes-count integer
For more information, see Scaling the HBase REST server in Cloudera Operational Database.
Enhancements to the describe-database command
In CDP CLI, the output of the describe-database command shows the JDK
version of the Cloudera Operational Database cluster if the cluster was created using a specific JDK version; otherwise,
the output shows the JDK version as "Not Available"
The following is a sample output of the describe-database command that shows the Java version used to create the cluster.
"dbEdgeNodeCount": 0,
"scaleType": "MICRO",
"type": "COD",
"computeNodesCount": 0,
"totalComputeNodesCount": 0,
"isJwtEnabled": true,
"cloudPlatform": "AWS",
"javaVersion": "11"
For more information, see CDP CLI documentation.