Known issues for Cloudera Private Cloud Data Services Replication Manager

This section lists known issues that you might run into while using the Cloudera Private Cloud Data Services Replication Manager service.

Error appears when you add a cluster on the Management Console > Clusters page if the Cloudera Manager instance of the cluster has multiple clusters because CDP Private Cloud Experiences 1.3.1 does not support Cloudera Manager instances that have multiple clusters.
When you create an Ozone replication policy using “Incremental only” or “Incremental with fallback to full file listing” Listing types, sometimes the Ozone replication command type is incorrectly reported for different types of runs.
Incremental Ozone replication policies fail when the snapshot-diff operation fails during the replication policy run. This is because the incremental Ozone replication policies use snapshot-diff operation. When the operation fails. the active RocksDB database goes down which results in Ozone Manager bad health.
Set the property to false in the ozone-site.xml file.