Using Basic Search
You can search for entities using three basic search modes:
Search by Type – search based on a selected Entity type.
Search by Classification – search based on a selected Atlas classification.
- Search by Term – search based on a specified glossary term.
Search by Text – full-text search.
To search for entities, click SEARCH on the Atlas web UI.
Select an entity type, an Atlas tag, or enter a text string, then click Search to display a list of the entities associated with
the specified search criteria.
In the example below, we searched for the Table entity type.
You can also combine search criteria. In the example below, we combined Type and full-text search to find Table entities whose name contains the text string "sales_fact".
You can use the attribute filters to further refine search criteria. Click an Attribute Filter symbol to display the Attribute Filter pop-up.
Use the selection boxes on the Attribute Filter pop-up to specify an attribute filter. The attributes listed reflect the entity type. In the following example, we set an attribute filter to return entities with an Owner attribute of "Joe".
Click Add filter to add more attribute filters.
- Click Add filter group to add an attribute filter group.
Click Delete to remove an attribute filter or filter group.
Click Apply to temporarily save the attribute filter to the current search without applying it to the search results. Click Search to apply the attribute filter to the search results.
Click Columns to control which columns are displayed in
the list of search results.
To view detailed information about an entity, click the entity in the search
results list. In the example below, we selected the "sales_fact" table from the list
of search results. You can use the tabs to view categories of information about an
entity – for example, click Lineage to view the entity lineage.
Click Clear to clear the search settings.