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Examples of Property-Based Anonymization Rules

This section includes examples of commonly used property-based anonymization rules.

Example 1: Mask one configuration parameter in multiple files

Rule definition example:

  "name": "JPA_PASSWORD",
  "rule_id": "Property",
  "properties": ["oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.password"],
  "include_files": ["oozie-site.xml", "sqoop-site.xml"],
  "action" : "REPLACE",
  "replace_value": "Hidden"

This rule anonymizes the value of oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.password in oozie-site.xml and sqoop-site.xml.

Input data, sqoop-site.xml:



Output data, sqoop-site.xml, with anonymized oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.px parameter value:



Example 2: Mask multiple configuration parameters in multiple files

Rule definition example:

  "rule_id": "Property",
  "properties": ["oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.password", "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword"],
  "include_files": ["oozie-site.xml", "sqoop-site.xml", "hive-site.xml"],
  "action" : "REPLACE",
  "replace_value": "Hidden"

Example 3: Mask a configuration that matches a pattern

Rule definition example:

  "rule_id": "Property",
  "properties": [".*password"],
  "include_files": ["*.xml"],
  "action" : "REPLACE",
  "replace_value": "Hidden"

Input data:





Output data:

Anonymized ssl-server.xml


Anonymized ssl-client.xml
