Cloudera Upgrade Guide Companion
Welcome to the Cloudera Upgrade Guide Companion.
This upgrade guide companion will help you in achieving the key milestones for successfully completing an in-place upgrade of your cluster.
Use the My Environment section to define your cluster upgrade configuration. Use the tabs below to access key checkpoints for completing your upgrade and as a jumping off point for each individual milestone.
You can always review the complete upgrade documentation here.
You must review the supported upgrade paths information before upgrading Cloudera Private Cloud here.
You must review the supported Cloudera Manager information before upgrading Cloudera Private Cloud here.
Getting Started
Upgrading HDP to Cloudera Private Cloud
To get started with upgrading from HDP to Cloudera Private Cloud, first learn about the overall upgrade process and the impact of an upgrade on your deployment.
- HDP 2 to Cloudera Private Cloud
- HDP 3 to Cloudera Private Cloud
Upgrading CDH to Cloudera Private Cloud
To get started with upgrading from CDH to Cloudera Private Cloud, first learn about the overall upgrade process and the impact of an upgrade on your deployment.
CDH 5 to Cloudera Private Cloud
When upgrading from CDH 5.x, you should review:
CDH 6 to Cloudera Private Cloud
When upgrading from CDH 6.x, you should review
Upgrading Cloudera Private Cloud to a higher version
- Upgrading to Cloudera Private Cloud 7.3.1
You can upgrade to Cloudera Private Cloud 7.3.1 from the following Cloudera Private Cloud versions:
- Cloudera Private Cloud 7.1.9 SP1
- Cloudera Private Cloud 7.1.8 Latest cumulative hotfix
- Cloudera Private Cloud 7.1.7 SP3
- Upgrading to CDP 7.1.9 SP1
You can upgrade to CDP 7.1.9 SP1 from the following CDP versions:
- CDP 7.1.9
- CDP 7.1.8 Latest cumulative hotfix
- CDP 7.1.7 SP3
- Upgrading to CDP 7.1.9
- You can upgrade to CDP 7.1.9 from the following CDP versions:
- Upgrading to CDP 7.1.7 SP3
You can upgrade to CDP 7.1.7 SP3 from the following CDP versions:
- CDP 7.1.7 SP2
- CDP 7.1.7 SP1
- CDP 7.1.7
- CDP 7.1.6
For more information on the supported upgrade paths, see Supported in-place upgrade paths. - CDP 7.1.x to a higher version of CDP
To get started with upgrading to a newer version of CDP, first learn about the overall upgrade process and the impact of an upgrade on your deployment. See Preparing for your upgrade
Upgrading CDP to a Serivce Pack
Upgrades to CDP 7.1.9 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
Note the following requirements for upgrades to CDP 7.1.9 SP1:
- You can upgrade to CDP 7.1.9 SP1 ( from CDP 7.1.9 or CDP 7.1.8 latest cumulative hotfix or CDP 7.1.7 SP3 (
- You must first upgrade to Cloudera Manager 7.11.3 CHF7 or higher, which is the supported version for the CDP 7.1.9 SP1.
- You can use Cloudera Manager 7.11.3 CHF7 or higher to manage deployments where Cloudera Manager is managing a CDP Data Services cluster.
Upgrades to CDP 7.1.7 Service Pack 3 (SP3)
Note the following requirements for upgrades to CDP 7.1.7 SP3:
- You can upgrade to CDP 7.1.7 SP3 ( from CDP 7.1.7 SP2 ( or CDP 7.1.7 SP1 ( or CDP 7.1.7 (log4j2) or CDP 7.1.6.
- You must first upgrade to Cloudera Manager 7.11.3 CHF4 or higher, which is the supported version for the CDP 7.1.7 SP3.
- You can use Cloudera Manager 7.11.3 CHF4 or higher to manage deployments where Cloudera Manager is managing a CDP Data Services cluster.
Upgrades to CDP 7.1.7 Service Pack 2 (SP2)
Note the following requirements for upgrades to CDP 7.1.7 SP2:
- You can upgrade to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.7 Service Pack 2 ( from Cloudera Runtime 7.1.7 Service Pack 1 ( or Cloudera Runtime 7.1.7 (log4j2) or Cloudera Runtime 7.1.6.
- You must first upgrade to Cloudera Manager 7.6.7, which is the supported version for Service Pack 2.
- You cannot use Cloudera Manager 7.6.7 to manage deployments where Cloudera Manager is managing a CDP Data Services cluster.
Pre-upgrade Tasks
Gather information on your deployment and verify cluster environment readiness. You can prepare a sample data for ingestion and validate the Apache Hive constructs before you upgrade.
- HDP 2 to Cloudera Private Cloud
Cluster Environment Readiness here
Sample Data Ingestion here
Hive Validations here
Ambari and HDP Checklists here
- HDP 3 to Cloudera Private Cloud
Cluster Environment Readiness here
Sample Data Ingestion here
Merge Independent Hive and Spark Catalogs here
Ambari and HDP Checklists here
- CDH 5 to Cloudera Private Cloud
- The following procedures
must be completed before performing a cluster upgrade to
Cloudera Private Cloud (Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher).
Only complete the procedures for services running in your
source cluster:
- Transitioning from MapReduce 1 to MapReduce 2
- Transitioning Cloudera Search configuration before upgrading to Cloudera Runtime
- Transitioning from Sentry Policy Files to the Sentry Service
- Transitioning the Sentry service to Apache Ranger
- Transitioning Navigator content to Atlas
- Migrating Hive 1-2 to Hive 3
- Checking Apache HBase
- CDH cluster upgrade requirements for Replication Manager
- Installing dependencies for Hue before upgrading to Cloudera Private Cloud
- Upgrade the JDK
- Upgrade the Operating System
- You must install Python 3.8 (or 3.9 for RHEL 9.1) on all hosts before upgrading to Cloudera Manager 7.11.3. See Installing Python 3.
- After you complete these steps, continue with your upgrade by Upgrading Cloudera Manager.
- CDH 6 to Cloudera Private Cloud
- The following procedures must be completed before
performing a cluster upgrade to Cloudera Private Cloud
(Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher). Only complete the
procedures for services running in your source cluster:
- Transitioning from Sentry Policy Files to the Sentry Service
- Transitioning the Sentry service to Apache Ranger
- Transitioning Navigator content to Atlas
- Migrating Hive 1-2 to Hive 3
- Checking Apache HBase
- CDH cluster upgrade requirements for Replication Manager
- Installing dependencies for Hue before upgrading to Cloudera Private Cloud
- In addition to the
pre-upgrade steps for Cloudera Runtime services, you may
also need to do upgrade your JDK or operating system. See
the Cloudera
support Matrix for more information on supported
operating systems and JDKs.
- Upgrade the JDK
- Upgrade the Operating System
- You must install Python 3.8 (or 3.9 for RHEL 9.1) on all hosts before upgrading to Cloudera Manager 7.11.3. See Installing Python 3.
- After you complete these steps, continue with your upgrade by Upgrading Cloudera Manager.
- Cloudera Private Cloud to a higher version of Cloudera Private Cloud
- You may need to upgrade your JDK or
operating system. See the Cloudera
support Matrix for more information on supported
operating systems and JDKs.
- Upgrade the JDK
- Upgrade the Operating System
- You must install Python 3.8 or 3.9 for RHEL 8.8 or RHEL 8.10 on all hosts before upgrading to Cloudera Manager 7.13.1. See Installing Python 3.
- You must install Python 3.9 for RHEL 9.2 on all hosts before upgrading to Cloudera Manager 7.13.1. See Installing Python 3.
- You must install Python 3.10 for SLES 15 SP4 and SLES 15 SP5 on all hosts before upgrading to Cloudera Manager 7.13.1. See Installing Python 3.
- You must install Python 3.8 (or 3.9 for RHEL 9.1) on all hosts before upgrading to Cloudera Manager 7.11.3. See Installing Python 3.
- You must install Python 3.10 for SLES 15 SP4 and SLES 15 SP5 on all hosts before upgrading to Cloudera Manager 7.11.3 CHF7. See Installing Python 3.
- After you complete these steps, continue with your upgrade by Upgrading Cloudera Manager.
- Cloudera Private Cloud to a higher version of Cloudera Private Cloud
- You may need to upgrade your JDK or
operating system. See the Cloudera
support Matrix for more information on supported
operating systems and JDKs.
- Upgrade the JDK
- Upgrade the Operating System
- You must install Python 3.8 (or 3.9 for RHEL 9.1) on all hosts before upgrading to Cloudera Manager 7.11.3. See Installing Python 3.
- After you complete these steps, continue with your upgrade by Upgrading Cloudera Manager.
Upgrade the Cluster
Plan how and when to begin your upgrade. Check readiness and upgrade Ambari and HDP. Transition from HDP to Cloudera Manager.
- HDP 2 to Cloudera Private Cloud
Upgrade Ambari here
Upgrade HDP here
Pre-Transition steps here
Cloudera Manager Installation here
Installing JDBC driver here
Transitioning HDP 2.6.5 cluster to Cloudera Private Cloud cluster using the AM2CM tool here
- HDP 3 to Cloudera Private Cloud
Upgrade Ambari here
Upgrade HDP here
Pre-Transition steps here
Cloudera Manager Installation here
Installing JDBC driver here
Transitioning HDP 3.1.5 cluster to Cloudera Private Cloud cluster using the AM2CM tool here
CDH 5 to Cloudera Private Cloud
Upgrading a cluster requires some preparatory steps such as backing up your cluster and Cloudera Manager, establishing access to the software, and other tasks.
Before upgrading your cluster(s) you must first upgrade Cloudera Manager to a version that supports your planned cluster upgrades. See Upgrade Cloudera Manager.
For detailed procedures, see Upgrading a Cluster.
CDH 6 to Cloudera Private Cloud
Upgrading a cluster requires some preparatory steps such as backing up your cluster and Cloudera Manager, establishing access to the software, and other tasks.
Before upgrading your cluster(s) you must first upgrade Cloudera Manager to a version that supports your planned cluster upgrades. See Upgrade Cloudera Manager.
For detailed procedures, see Upgrading a Cluster.
- Cloudera Private Cloud to a higher version of Cloudera Private Cloud
- Upgrading a cluster requires some preparatory steps such
as backing up your cluster and Cloudera Manager,
establishing access to the software, and other tasks.
Before upgrading your cluster(s) you must first upgrade Cloudera Manager to a version that supports your planned cluster upgrades. See Upgrade Cloudera Manager.
For detailed procedures, see Upgrading a Cluster.
- Cloudera Private Cloud to a higher version of Cloudera Private Cloud
- Upgrading a cluster requires some preparatory steps such
as backing up your cluster and Cloudera Manager,
establishing access to the software, and other tasks.
Before upgrading your cluster(s) you must first upgrade Cloudera Manager to a version that supports your planned cluster upgrades. See Upgrade Cloudera Manager.
For detailed procedures, see Upgrading a Cluster.
Post-Upgrade Tasks
If you have LDAP configured on your cluster, configure external authentication with Cloudera Manager. You can also install additional services like DAS and Hue. Test your applications and services on your cluster.
- HDP 2 to Cloudera Private Cloud
Post Transition Steps here
Configuring External for Cloudera Manager here
Installing DAS on Cloudera Private Cloud here
Adding Hue service with Cloudera Manager here
- HDP 3 to Cloudera Private Cloud
Post Transition Steps here
Configuring External for Cloudera Manager here
Installing DAS on Cloudera Private Cloud here
Adding Hue service with Cloudera Manager here
CDH 5 to Cloudera Private Cloud
The following procedures must be completed after performing a cluster upgrade to Cloudera Private Cloud (Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher). Only complete the procedures for services running in your source cluster:
- Update permissions for Replication Manager service
- Apache Hive Expedited Migration Tasks
- Apache Hive Changes in Cloudera Private Cloud
- Apache Hive Post-Upgrade Tasks
- Hue Post-Upgrade Tasks
- Apache Impala changes in Cloudera Private Cloud
- Sentry to Ranger Permissions
- Migrating ACLs from Key Trustee KMS to Ranger KMS
- Cloudera Search post-upgrade tasks
- Apache Hadoop YARN default value changes
- Upgrade Notes for Apache Kudu 1.12 / Cloudera Private Cloud 7.1
- Apache HBase post-upgrade tasks
- Configure SMM to monitor SRM replications
- Configure SMM's service dependency on Schema Registry
- Apache Sqoop Changes
CDH 6 to Cloudera Private Cloud
The following procedures must be completed after performing a cluster upgrade to Cloudera Private Cloud (Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher). Only complete the procedures for services running in your source cluster:
- Update permissions for Replication Manager service
- Apache Hive Expedited Migration Tasks
- Apache Hive Changes in Cloudera Private Cloud
- Apache Hive Post-Upgrade Tasks
- Hue Post-Upgrade Tasks
- Apache Impala changes in Cloudera Private Cloud
- Sentry to Ranger Permissions
- Apache Hadoop YARN default value changes
- Upgrade Notes for Apache Kudu 1.12 / Cloudera Private Cloud 7.1
- Apache HBase post-upgrade tasks
- Configure SMM to monitor SRM replications
- Configure SMM's service dependency on Schema Registry
- Apache Sqoop Changes
- Cloudera Private Cloud to a higher version of Cloudera Private Cloud
- Cloudera Private Cloud to a higher version of Cloudera Private Cloud
You can review a list of possible causes and solutions to debug and resolve issues that you might face.
- HDP to Cloudera Private Cloud
Post-upgrade HDP 2 Troubleshooting DAS Installation
Post-upgrade HDP 3 Troubleshooting DAS Installation
CDH 5 to Cloudera Private Cloud
If you need to review common things to check that you may have missed during your upgrade, review troubleshooting suggestions here.
CDH 6 to Cloudera Private Cloud
If you need to review common things to check that you may have missed during your upgrade, review troubleshooting suggestions here.
You can review a list of possible causes and solutions to debug and resolve issues that you might face.
- Cloudera Private Cloud to Cloudera Private Cloud
- For information, see Troubleshooting.
You can review a list of possible causes and solutions to debug and resolve issues that you might face.
- Cloudera Private Cloud to Cloudera Private Cloud
- For information, see Troubleshooting.